Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Unsecured borders: ignoring lawfulness imperils our civil society

Our freedom does not depend on what happens in Scandinavia, freedom depends on a free USA! Democrats in the media are trying to fundamentally change America through immigration and it’s impossible to assimilate 1.5 million poor, unskilled, immigrants that oftentimes aren’t even literate in their native language. Our antiquated immigration laws are being abused by lawyers advising caravan after caravan on how to make their way to the border so they can skirt our asylum laws. This travesty is supported by the Democrats and the media. We have mayors and city Councils that oppose federal law and embrace the sanctuary movement despite the Supreme Court’s ruling on the plenary powers of the presidency. ~ MLS 4/2/19
What is so damn hard to understand about this? It's not. It's just that one political party in America seeks power by any means necessary in a unified, full-throated support of illegal criminality with mass media in its pocket, promoting said criminality to attain said power, while the other party unfortunately contains members who sit idly by, complicit in the lawlessness. Last week, Levin reminded listeners, “It is clear that the Democrats and the media are attempting to fundamentally transform this country through immigration, among other means,” and furthermore explained the impossibility of maintaining our civil society with such rampant disregard and abuse of law...
“It is impossible for a country to be a civil society — to have a civil society — with this kind of invasion, whether the media like to talk about it or not, whether the media attempt to call us names or not. The fact of the matter is, a country exists for its citizens. Citizens don’t exist to accommodate politicians, to accommodate the media, to accommodate foreign governments and aliens who seek to come into this country illegally,” Levin said.

“The issue is what does America need, what does the American citizenry want? Not what families who come here illegally demand. Not what other governments want. This is our country. Red, white, blue, whatever color people are, whatever their religion, this is the country of the American people. This government is set up to represent the American people. We don’t represent the whole world in this country. These are American institutions. That’s an American constitution. It’s an American culture,” he said.

“We pay our federal income taxes or we go to federal prison. We follow the rules, we pay our way, we ask nothing from anybody. That’s the way I was raised. And the minute people cross the border, their hand is out for a program, for civil rights, for whatever the issue is. We have never, ever seen anything like this: the breakdown of law and order supported by a major political party and the American news media. We have never seen anything like this in our country. This is flat-out tyranny, whether it’s immigration, whether it’s health care, whether it’s the attack on the Electoral College. Whether it’s the attack on the last election, trying to take out the president of the United States. You are witnesses to tyranny. That’s what’s taking place in this country. And I’m not kidding,” Levin said.

Related links: Top border agent: We don’t need Congress to stop mass migration
The Laws Are Not the Problem. It's That DHS Ignores Them Ep. 383

He's right. And when President Trump threatens to shut down the border to stem this flood of illegality, he's met with resistance from all sides (complicity, guys), so instead turns consideration towards imposing tariffs to gain Mexico's cooperation. But Daniel Horowitz wrote an exceptional piece last week that puts the brakes on for a moment and takes a deeper look into the idea of shutting down the border in a strategic way to effectively regain law and order without stifling commerce...
There is a difference between shutting down the border for commerce and suspending all immigration at our border.

The good news is that the media are finally admitting that the president has the authority to close the border. The bad news is that they are obfuscating the distinction between shutting off the entire border for commerce and suspending immigration requests at the border. The Trump administration would be wise to push back against it immediately and clarify this distinction.

The media is in full meltdown mode over Trump’s threat to “shut down” the border, as they predict doom and gloom for our economy, loss of jobs, and loss of revenue. We might even face an avocado shortage, according to the New York Times! Imagine that.

Never mind that the cost of one year’s border flow could add up to at least $150 billion for taxpayers.

Never mind the fact that Border Patrol is completely shut down and is basically a conveyor belt to complete the criminal conspiracy of evil smugglers rather than deter it.

Never mind the countless migrants are coming in with dangerous diseases because, according to CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan. large numbers of them “may have never seen a doctor, received immunizations, or lived in sanitary conditions.”

Never mind the fact that our schools will be flooded with unassimilable illegal immigrants creating fiscal and cultural problems, as well as a breeding ground for transnational gang recruitment, when the laws on the books were designed to protect Americans from this very outcome.

Never mind that while the status quo continues, the worst criminal alien murderers and rapists who were deported are now reemering through the frontier without any agents to challenge them.

But how ’bout those avocados?!

The media is missing the point about the president’s inherent and delegated authority to deny entry at the border and the most prudent way to use it. Through statute and case law, the president’s 212(f) authority overrides all other immigration processes, including asylum requests, but it’s important to remember that it’s not an all-or-nothing proposition. It’s not an on-or-off circuit breaker on the operation of our border. There are modules on that switch that the president can engage to strategically address the current situation.
Horowitz continues to dig into the statute to demonstrate how we can keep the ports open to commerce, have our secure borders, and eat our avocados too! It's unfortunate that all it would seemingly take for this effort to gain traction is for American politicians and press to get on board with a pro-American agenda (not for polity, but for its sovereign People) to save the nation it professes to represent instead of constantly aiming to tear down everything that makes us exceptional. As long as we ignore lawfulness (in all respects really), the civil society crumbles into lawlessness...and our southern border seems to be daily displaying a detrimental example of that.

Related links: FANTASTIC: Catholic Cardinal denounces mass migration, calls it a “new form of slavery”!
[PHOTOS] Here’s a first look at Trump’s badass new border wall!