Monday, March 25, 2019

BOOM! Trump vindicated

Finally, VINDICATION for this President...
Related link: AG Barr RELEASES report and exonerates Trump! [READ HERE]

...but only after nearly two years of BS allegations and MILLIONS spent in taxpayer dollars is this witch hunt over.
Here we are, two years and $30-plus million in taxpayer funds later, and nothing to show for it, except some completely discredited media commentators and partisan members of Congress who breathlessly all but guaranteed there would be evidence of the president and members of his family and staff colluding with the Russians. I won’t hold my breath for their admissions and apologies.

Lives have been ruined and America’s image on the world stage has been tarnished because rogue government agents and hyper-partisan Democrats thought they could overturn the results of an election they lost fair and square.

With the Mueller witch hunt behind him, perhaps now the President Trump can finally focus his full attention on the job that the American people elected him to do: making America great again.
Related link: ‘SHAME on Mueller for not having the GUTS’ to make a decision says Dershowitz

Levin lit in to Mueller and the entirety of this charade last night, making his usual astute and scholarly observations, particularly concerning what was actually going on here the whole time...
"When you bring up phony charges against an individual, and they're vindicated, the vindication is good. The issue isn't whether it's worth it. It's how did this information come to be? Why did the senior level of the FBI, senior level of our intelligence agency, senior level of the Department of Justice, the mass media pushed these stories, pushed these lies, pushed this narrative day in and day out? And now, zero, zippo, nothing. Nothing! And there was never anything. And the President of the United States, for all the grief he takes, has been telling the truth from day one. ... we have a big problem in this country. 'Freedom of the Press'. It is a huge problem. Not the fact of freedom of the press, but that we have individuals who do not respect the Constitution, who do not respect freedom of the press. And this is gonna continue, and the American People should rise up, and the American People should say, 'We have had enough of this, you're spending our money on opposition research, we know this is about 2020'..."
Not to leave out the radical members of Congress attempting to interfere with our justice system, which Levin assuredly mentions...


And Bongino's exactly correct: not kissing butt, but the only network to cut it straight was, you guessed it...
A very good weekend for the President. Now getting back to the job...
Related links: “Worst journalistic debacle of my lifetime!” – Brit Hume torches media after Mueller report
Lindsey Graham: Media did a 'horrendous' job of covering Mueller investigation