Saturday, June 30, 2012

A motivated army

Right on, Jim...

TheFoundry: Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) was determined to repeal Obamacare before the Supreme Court handed down its ruling yesterday. Now he’s confident he will have a motivated army working alongside him.

The Court's decision just reaffirms that the Ruling Class in this country will never make it easier for We the People to maintain our liberties. And in that defamation of the Constitution that we witnessed on Thursday, we are reminded that the key to how free a nation will ever be, lies solely in its people. So while our society is still a civil one, our part is at the ballot box, installing not simply whoever has an 'R' by their name, but rather constitutional the halls of Congress, in the White House, and in turn, receiving originalists on the bench!

Now, I realize that we may not win every battle, we may not always get the best representation we desire, but those battles we do win and the representation we do get, we must hold to the will of the people, we must remain vigilant, and we must advance the cause of Liberty! Our future depends on it.