Thursday, June 16, 2011

The wages of a statist Democrat economy

Yes, you certainly do own the economy, Debbie…

Anybody experiencing the same ‘turnaround’ that DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is dreaming up, besides recession winner Nancy Pelosi?  As I’ve discussed in a couple of previous posts on Obama’s unemployment and economic policies, the so-called ‘recovery’ is a sham, and as the multitude of reports over the past several months, nearly a year in some cases, have alluded to the recession being ‘over’, assuredly the majority of both working and jobless Americans aren’t feeling that trend.

As the John Locke Foundation explains, “There are 1.9 million fewer people employed at the end of May 2011 than there were in February 2009 when Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package was passed.” Sound like a ‘turnaround’, Debbie? The stimulus has destroyed more jobs than what it was professed by the administration and experts to create. And accurately expressed, “the fact is that this outcome was completely predictable and predicted. A net loss of employment opportunities is the only logical outcome from a policy based on wealth transfers rather than wealth creation.” 

The People are absolutely taking note, as the Weekly Standard points to a recent CNN poll, "By a margin of 17 points (58 to 41 percent), Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. By a margin of 17 points (57 to 40 percent), they disapprove of his handling of health care. By a margin of 30 points (64 to 34 percent), they disapprove of his handling of federal deficits."  And the all-important Independents are showing to be even less impressed: "By a margin of 29 points (64 to 35 percent), they disapprove of his handling of the economy. By a margin of 31 points (64 to 33 percent), they disapprove of his handling of health care. By a margin of 42 points (70 to 28 percent), they disapprove of his handling of federal deficits."

The wages of a statist Democrat economy is collapse, folks.  Currently, we're still treading water, but the clock is ticking...