Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A rally cry for conservatism

Sarah Palin…Michele Bachmann…Herman Cain…Rick Santorum…these conservative leaders, these potential presidential contenders, have been berated and denounced and questioned at every turn by the Washington elite time and time again. They’re labeled ‘extreme’ by the most radical in D.C. and deemed ‘unqualified’ or ‘unelectable’ by the very establishment that swept principle aside and drove the Republican Party into the dirt at the turn of the 21st century. Yet, those who have no groundswell, those who have weak credibility, crummy credentials or little to no principle, on either side, Republican or Democrat, past and present, these are the ones who are extolled, who we’re supposed to hold up as our legitimate leaders? We’re to believe that the four conservative leaders mentioned can’t possibly be any better for the country than Obama and his destructive policies? These four would somehow jeopardize our liberties in a manner that Obama’s damage hasn't?  Or beyond the uncertainty of any of the establishment hopefuls for that matter? This is preposterous! As Levin so poignantly stated in Tuesday’s monologue, “I am very tired of so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘Republicans’ who question the credentials of conservative candidates, particularly in light of who is president today, who join with the Left in deconstructing conservative candidates, who play clips over and over and over again, and yet pretend they’re not mocking conservative candidates. They’re not fooling anybody.” 

If you feel this way, if you're exhausted with the nonstop Beltway blitz that dictates who your only viable choices are, I implore you to listen to Levin’s rally cry...