Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jon Huntsman, you are NO Ronald Reagan

The media's great white hope announced his run for the presidency today.  And in this RINOs effort to sway the electorate, Jon Huntsman attempts to mimic Reagan's 1980 campaign kickoff before the Statue of Liberty.  However, Huntsman proves that he's NO REAGAN with his distinctively McCain-like moderate brand of preachy civility...

How are we to believe this pantywaist imposter, who can't even call himself a conservative, is like Reagan, when we KNOW quite the opposite?  Here's the REAL DEAL who had no inclination to restrain his conservative conviction...

Part 2 is located here.

Jon Huntsman, you sir are NO Ronald Reagan!  Reagan drew a bit more of a crowd too, Mr. Huntsman...he actually had a MOVEMENT behind him, sir, not simply a lacky media!

ADDENDUMS: Craig Shirley and Bill Pascoe stated it ever so poignantly in their Daily Caller piece today: "He's the GOP's Barack Obama."  And Michelle Malkin's lead story on Tuesday morning, entitled Jon Huntsman: McCain on Wheels, gives a scathing review of the media-manufactured candidate.