Friday, September 25, 2020

Where the Left is heading towards Election Day, and how We prepare for it...

Here's a week's round-up of what to expect as we edge closer towards Election Day, from a couple of guys who've been all over this!

Let's start off with Levin showing us several cases of these federal judges inserting themselves into state governance flagrantly allowing balloting fraud that is certain to benefit Democrats' efforts towards stealing the election, as well as an answer for state legislatures to combat this travesty and preserve the integrity of our statutorily set Election Day...
And then for all the grief that the Left gives President Trump, his supporters, Republicans and conservatives in general, Levin demonstrates precisely who the ones are that refuse to accept outcomes...
Then enters Bongino to prepare us for the orchestrated follow-up of what to expect after Election Day when it still doesn't play out their way, which is pretty much more of the coordinated collusion we're already witnessing in the streets of Democratic-run cities, egged on by one political party, its bundlers and its sycophantic media propagandists...

And just to give you a better idea of the degree of orchestration, Bongino elaborates. From the street thugs to the Tech giants... 

By hook or by crook, regaining power is their supreme aim. The way we civilly rise up and thwart their efforts is to first make sure you're registered, then vote in droves like never before. And in doing that, we secondarily instill the authority to quash this insurrection and restore peace and prosperity to our communities.

Until then, petition your elected legislators to use the authority they currently hold to fight against this election corruption enabled through judicial malpractice across some of our states. Likewise, insist that your local officials instill the authority necessary for law enforcement to quell this chaotic nonsense in our streets.

And finally, be it absentee, early voting or Election Day, when you stand before that ballot, whether you're enamored with a particular candidate, take issue with one, or know nothing about another, look for the individuals with an 'R' beside their names and solidly ink those boxes all the way down the list...for your sake, for your parents and kids' sake, for all of us to Keep America Great, because you know how much that means and what's at stake in these times. Without doubt, every vote truly counts.

Related link: Trays of mail, including absentee ballots, found in a ditch in Wisconsin

ADDENDUM: More details and evidence from Levin and Bongino that the Left is damned and determined not to allow this election to take its natural course...

...which is why conservatives of all stripes -- Republican, Libertarian, and yes, even disillusioned Democrats -- must turn out the vote like never before!