Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A realignment towards the everyman

Stepping back from the riotous plandemonium for a moment, there has been an interesting political realignment that a few gentlemen have taken note of recently, which has actually accelerated beyond wildest expectations under Trump's presidency, so I'd like to provide a break from the chaos for a moment to highlight this intriguing phenomenon. 

Charlie Kirk recognized it immediately during last month's convention...

...and last week, Chuck Woolery recognized it similarly (pardoning the 'corporate' typo)...
A quick retrospective...
Before the 2008 election, Democrats had established themselves as a party that works for the working class. It was a false label that was driven by their dependency on Big Labor, but the power of union propaganda had given them election strength for decades. They instantly abandoned that premise with the nomination of Barack Obama who chose to usher in an era of Democrats that believed in identity politics as their driving predicate.

Labor unions still hold sway over the party, as California demonstrates on a daily basis, but there was no need for Democrats to focus on them when they thought they had a more powerful tool in their toolbox. Today, identity politics drives nearly everything within the party, and until recently they also held sway over the working class. Then, Donald Trump ran for president and demonstrated a true adoration for workers.

The results of his pre-coronavirus presidency was nothing short of miraculous for the middle class. Unemployment numbers were low and prosperity was high. And with the Democrats paying more attention to gender identity than paying the mortgage, they watched their support from everyone other than social justice warriors and the union bosses still in their pocket evaporate. To fill the hole in fundraising, they turned to the corporate elite to drive them financially.

Today, Democrats are the party of big donors. Outside of Bernie Sanders, the majority of financial support for Democrats comes not from their old bread-n-butter but from the hyper-wealthy. Those who don’t have to worry about paying the bills are ready to buy their own agendas from Democrats after failing to do so from Trump’s Republican Party. This isn’t the party of the George H.W. or George W. Bush anymore.

With less than two months until election day, it’s telling that the only message coming from Democrats is “orange man bad.” As Chuck Woolery noted, the working class has abandoned them, opting instead to Make America Great Again.
...and a lengthier one here if interested. Suffice it to say, Democrats have become the very elitists portrayed in every futuristic dystopian film that combines the worst of government corruption with corporate cronyism. The widespread perception of who's the party of the working class and who's the party of big business has effectively been flipped on it's head...
The Trump administration has been good for businesses of all sizes mainly due to the unprecedented rate at which it scaled back stifling regulations. This may be why some of the president's highest approval ratings now come from small businesses. ...

Small businesses generate well over half of all new jobs. Most importantly, many are family-owned, have strong ties to their communities, and provide upward mobility for millions of Americans who never attended college. The Democrats' undermining of this quintessentially American institution is shameful and disqualifies it as the "party of the working class." Contributions from big labor do not count toward "labor-friendliness" because mega-unions care more about recruitment than about the welfare of working Americans. ...

Democrats fed up with the corporate status quo are now choosing their own anti-establishment candidate, not realizing that socialism is just a more impoverished version of the crony capitalism they are rejecting. Many Sanders-supporters are also morally shallow because they want to harness the power of the state to muscle in on the wealth of Americans who borrowed responsibly and worked hard to pay their bills.

After the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin said, "This Constitution ... is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism ... when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government." If Democrats implement the dystopian policies of California on a national level, their corporate allies will do fine. It is small business–owners and working-class Americans with nowhere to flee who have the most to lose. Be careful what you wish for.
This culmination of contemptible Media, Party and Donor might also go far in explaining how a billionaire could step away from their Ruling Class to talk with, listen to and lead the everyman in his plight to prosper once more in a most exceptional land...

"In reality, they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way." ~ President Donald J. Trump
Related link: Charlie Kirk Exposes The "Big Switch" MYTH!