Monday, September 30, 2019

Levin helps navigate through the REAL Ukraine scandal of the Dem's coup against Trump (UPDATES)

The damn press, guys. Well, Levin led us out of the week with a warning on his radio program to ignore the weekend media & biased Sunday shows, leading us into the weekend with what's really going on here...

Related links: Mark Levin: CIA whistleblower complaint looks like new 'leak and coup campaign' against Trump
Mark Levin demands GOP turn tables on dirty Dems: ‘Where the hell are Republican chairmen in Senate?’

True to form, Tapper and the New Yorker smear, while ABC, CBS, Blitzer and Acosta, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NPR all join in to LIE about the public transcript, and all utterly ignore that Senate Democrats -- Chris Murphy (D-CT), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT) -- were first on the scene to enlist Ukraine to cover for Biden & son, while simultaneously digging for dirt on Trump! Double standard much?!

Mark also went right back at it Sunday morning to set the record straight on Pelosi's improper inquiry and to correct the pervasive dishonesty among the press...

Related link: Trump Gives High Praise To Mark Levin For Explosive "FOX & Friends" Segment On Ukraine

...and continued to push the actual issue at hand that they choose not to cover...
...with Peter Schweizer joining Mark Sunday night to break down the timeline of Joe and Hunter Biden's Ukraine connections (and Chinese dealings) in a revealing interview!

These apparatchiks have a hate-on for Trump and the electorate that support him, more so than any expression of love for country, its people or the rule of law. It's shameful and sad, but THANK GOD we have a warrior like Levin to march alongside towards truth.

Related links: There's Not A Single Democrat Interested In Hunter Biden's Shady Business Dealings
Levin Talks Impeachment Double Standards With Donald Trump Jr

UPDATES: Levin hones in on who's at the center of this Democratic hoax... addition to the big NOTHING that the supposed 'whistleblower' and the mainstream media hold...

...and now it's time for congressional Republicans to take action and FIGHT BACK against this coup!

UPDATES: Levin batting 1000! #allfiguredout
And absolutely necessary from the Republican leadership...
Related link: The impeachment agenda of Democrats is a political coup

UPDATES: Listen to Levin, McConnell...GO NUCLEAR! You know, LIKE PELOSI ALREADY DID!!

Related link: The Senate should go nuclear to kill impeachment if it has to