Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Latest Dem PR stunt is same rinse-repeat tactics as Day 1 of Trump's presidency

This public relations campaign effort must be seen for what it really is — an attempt to distract the public from Joe Biden and the Obama Administration’s improper actions with the corrupt Ukrainian government. ~ MLS, 9/24/19
All you need to know about the continuous clown show from the Dems, their Media, and the NeverTrumpers that we've constantly endured since Day 1 of the man's presidency, right here @ 1:20:47...

Keep listening beyond this for some hysterically classic Levin mockery of these FOOLS! Immediately following is a pretty fantastic interview with Don Jr.!

For a more in-depth take, and fiery one at that, check out Levin's Hannity appearance Monday evening...

HELL YEAH! But as far as this latest media frenzy...just another pseudo-event, folks.

Always understand that whatever these power-hungry cRats attempt to lambaste their opposition with, rest assured that THEY have already done it and gotten away with it! Just like they're attempting again with distraction, obfuscation and corruption. It's their m.o.
(read chapter 7 of Levin's newest book for additional historic examples)

Related links: Joe Biden obstructed justice by interfering with a Ukranian government investigation...
The media moves in a pack making them very predictable as they attacked every republican they could find over the weekend on Ukraine.

ADDENDUM: Beautiful presser...and unlike the media, here's real transparency!

Again, they actually do it, then accuse their opposition of what they have done! They are the guilty party. This is yet another dishonest hoax.