Thursday, July 18, 2019

Patriotism vs. the dishonesty of screaming "Racist!"

There's a notable intersection between the fraud squad as of late and the debate loons that performed before them. Political cartoonist Gary Varvel has brilliantly captured much of it along the way, while a favorite of my late granddad has intelligently pinpointed it verbally...
"...let's be clear. What you have on the Left is an increasingly anti- American, increasingly open borders, increasingly pro-illegal immigration movement. And the President just has to, I think, stick to his ground. He thinks these people are dangerous. He thinks that what they represent is harmful and he thinks as President of United States he has a job to defend America culturally, as well as militarily and diplomatically."
"These are totally manipulative, totally destructive people who are opposed to all core American values, people who routinely talk down in the United States, people who are in favor of illegal immigration over law enforcement. ...

So let's be very clear. These people have no obligation to be honest. They have no obligation to do anything, but be manipulative. And this is straight out of the textbook for radicals in the United States. ...Saul Alinsky would be proud of them. This is, in fact, what his ground rules for radicals was like. We just have to be honest and blunt about who they are. They are destructive, dangerous, dishonest people."
Going on to reflect on his fights with Tip O'Neil, then venturing on to Pelosi's latest violation of House rules, Gingrich laid out exactly what you're going to get if they're in charge:
There are no rules except what they want. There is no truth except what they want to say. And last week Biden was supposed to be a racist, because of his busing position. Apparently, Pelosi is supposed to be a racist, because she was opposing the "Gang of Four". Now Trump is a racist.

The Left reverts to racist when they can't defend anything. And I think the big campaign next year is going to be between patriotism as illustrated by President Trump's willingness to defend American values, the American border, the American rule of law and this routine automatic screaming racist by people who clearly are dishonestly using it, because it's the only club they've got.
When asked if he thought they really even cared about the Democrat Party as long as their profiles are elevated, Newt true to form didn't sugarcoat it...
...I think what they care about is power. I think they're fascists. I think they want to use the power of the state to change the rest of us. And I think they want the rest of us to shut up while they say anything they want to. And when we stand up to them, they, frankly, kind of go crazy. And I think that is exactly the historic pattern when you are dealing with a fascist movement.
Precisely. And even Democrats who aren't necessarily on the Marxist kick can see it, even if they don't want to admit it aloud.

Related links: The Nightmare Of An America Ruled By AOC And Her Socialist Pals
Donald Trump will win the Democratic Party civil war

ADDENDUM: Likewise, but in fiery fashion, Mark Levin laid out the misguided racialization of both the squad and the media...
"President Trump was addressing the content of the character of these four women, not the color of their skin. But the media want it to be otherwise. The media are projecting, and the media are insisting on the opposite, because they want the narrative of racism. He didn't talk about race, he didn't talk about skin color, he didn't talk about religion, he talked about them, the content, or lack therof, of their character."
...before segueing into a deservedly scathing criticism of their venom...
That's why we call him the Great One!