Monday, July 1, 2019

Cruz drops TRUTH BOMB on Dems about border crisis

This one's gonna essentially be a copy/paste job from TRS, because it's the damn truth of it ALL...
Ted Cruz gave a great speech down at the border today where he nailed Democrats on the border with some cold hard truth:
Here’s the full quote:
"This is a political environment where a lot of politicians like to talk about their enormous compassion, their enormous virtue.

Let me tell you, nobody who is compassionate, nobody who is virtuous, nobody who gives a damn about human beings, would want even a single day to perpetuate these loopholes and put more children in harm’s way."
He’s absolutely right. If Democrats really cared about the lives of people that have been lost or mangled by the horrors that go on at the border, they’d have vanquished these ridiculous asylum policies a long time ago. They would have also quickly funded the building of the wall with no questions asked.

But we all know what Democrats are really about:
The entire video is less than 20 minutes, and the Senator's initial address before taking questions is just over 5 minutes in length. Well worth the listen:

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