Monday, May 20, 2019

Immigration policy progress?

Perhaps. On Thursday, President Trump unveiled plans to transform America’s immigration system, focusing on high-skilled workers...merit-based, like every other country! Novel idea...
And Friday morning, he also addressed the illegal spillover that we're already dealing with, acknowledging that some Democrats are finally understanding there’s a national emergency at our border and the ball's in their court, as well as plainly stating that the illegals who are here need not get too comfortable...
Welcoming news considering the latest atrocity to hit our shores in the form of serial killing thanks to the continued advocacy of open border lawlessness (I mention this primarily because I just discovered yesterday that one of the victims was the mother of a fellow parishioner!). Such a horrifying and preventable act is so avoidable, if only our cowardly politicians had the political will to finally end this. We certainly don't need to import more criminal madness.

Related link: Trump plans to invoke Insurrection Act to boot illegal immigrants