Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fed up with the media always blaming us? Mark is...

THIS NAILS IT once again...
Monday's Mark Levin Show: The media in our Country and their progressive groupthink are absolutely disgusting, pushing their agenda within hours. It’s sickening that the media is blaming the mass murder of American Jews by a sub-human killer on rhetoric instead of on the killers hateful actions. Shame on them! For eight years the U.S. was, in effect, at war as President Obama’s Administration treated Jews, the nation of Israel , and its Prime Minister with utter contempt. The Obama Administration armed Israel’s enemy with a millions in cash as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal. President Trump however, has been a friend to Israel. In fact, the sick synagogue shooter made statements that Trump was too friendly with the Jews and had too many around. Yet the media will have you believe that the 11 precious human beings that were killed because of Trump. There were 14 mass murders during Obama’s tenure did any mass media outlet blame his rhetoric for those killings? While Trump hasn’t prosecuted journalists like Obama did, he does push back on the media calling them out by name. They’re simply trying to bring down this Administration because they believe they are a power unto themselves. When was the last time Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddow or Andrea Mitchell did a story on Anti Semites like Louis Farrakhan, whom they hold up as legitimate. Why don’t they get to the bottom of all that anti-semitism?

CR: LevinTV host Mark Levin opened up his radio show on Monday evening by discussing the media’s attacks on Trump in the wake of the tragic weekend shootings in Pittsburgh.

“I am so sick and tired of the media in this country — even more than the politicians. The groupthink, the progressive agenda … absolutely out of control. Absolutely disgusting,” Levin said.

“The media are politicizing this mass murder of American Jews by this subhuman cockroach in Pittsburgh. Shame on them! Shame on them! Just when you think the media have reached a low point, they go lower,” he added. He also commended the “brave men in blue — police officers — who ran into that synagogue.”

Levin explained that it is absurd to claim that Trump is stoking anti-Semitism, pointing to the pro-Jewish and pro-Israel records of the president and his cabinet. He also noted the previous administration’s extreme hostility to Israel and took the legacy media and leftist political operatives to task for their coziness with virulent anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan.
Related links: Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers refuses to politicize shooting for CNN’s clicks and views
Atrocities are not political human shields to stifle policy debates
The best way to heal America is to remember how to leave each other alone
Mark Levin takes down the media’s Pittsburgh synagogue ‘political hit job’