Thursday, October 25, 2018

Bombs away? Discussing Dem shenanigans...

BOOM, baby! Desperation doesn't even begin to describe what the Leftist fools are doing, but it's certainly a start. And I think this gentleman elegantly expresses the much needed discussion of the week to work out the plausible bomb hoax, the illegal invasion heading our way, and the biased media coverage...

I don't think his initial immigration solution is 'dumb' at all. We do NOT need to take them in, but we will need the cooperation of our neighbors to the south, which can understandably be frustrating.

Anyway, for the most part, well said, sir, well said.


ADDENDUM: Stealing the thunder of black conservatives, or just folks in general who are disenchanted with the socialist lean of the Democratic Party? Fake, setup or real, this remains midterm distractions...

Related link: Media ignores largest ever black conservative summit