Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Well beyond the pot calling the kettle black

Umm, I think we've all been done with this joker for nearly two years now, so let me just get this out of the way real quick before moving on to more important matters. This is nothing new in regards to the former president's behavior; it's his MO: Obama goes overseas to badmouth America, Americans, and American interests. What's rich this time is that he actually lectures his enamored audience about lying politicians, HA! This is well beyond the pot calling the kettle black! I'm not gonna expose you to the man's voice, because God knows we heard it every single day of his presidency. You can find the lecture anywhere online, but this particular discussion pretty much encapsulates a more sensible sentiment towards his tired, bloviated rhetoric...

Related link: Why Barack Obama lies so much
TRS: Whut.

I mean seriously. From a man who lied so many times about so many things…

Note he laments that people don’t show any embarrassment when being caught in a lie. But that’s because of him! He did that! Yeah, he totally built that.

Allow me to remind you of a few of his great hits:
  • “The most transparent administration evah!”
  • “Shovel ready jobs!”
  • “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period.”
  • “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.”
  • “Benghazi was because of a video!”
And there are so many more that I could spend all day writing them out. But unfortunately I don’t have that kind of time.

The last person on this earth that should be calling out anyone for lying is Obama. He was as shameless as they come and the media turned the other way while he coughed them up.
What a disgraceful joke that's doing nothing to bring his fellow citizens together, but then again, that's never been a part of his or his party allies' agenda.

Related links: Just words
Obama fails to address Siaya residents