Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Gohmert, Levin help to EXPOSE the DC Bratty Bunch

Russia, Russia, Russia...

In just a couple of videos, allow two gentlemen to unravel what this latest hoopla is really all about.

Gohmert unmasks the purveyors of propaganda:

Related links: Rep. Gohmert: Social Media ‘Anxious’ to ‘Help the Democrats’
WATCH: Louie Gohmert Slams Tech Companies, Throws Brutal Jabs At Democrats

Levin jogs your memory, retracing the history of the left's hypocrisy:

Related links: Levin: ‘Trump hasn’t done a thing to harm America with respect to Russia’
Mark Levin goes on a tour of history to EXPOSE liberal HYPOCRISY on Trump Putin summit

Both EXPOSE this incessant DC charade.


Or so it certainly should be, but undoubtedly we'll continue to hear more Russia, Russia, Russia. Just be aware of what's actually going on, folks.