Friday, January 21, 2022

What a difference... but there is a way out

A friend sent a meme my way last week about how great last Friday was for America, and how terrible it was for the illegitimate Biden regime. Within a 24-hour window, the SCOTUS struck down Biden's OSHA mandate, the Democrats' Election Bill was dead, the filibuster survived the Senate, Biden dipped to a 33% Quinnipiac approval rating, and inflation hit a 40-year high! That last one's pretty bad for us all. The exception I had with that list was the insanity of splitting the baby on the mandates by a couple of justices, but for the most part, an exceptional day. Even CNN (yeah, those guys) got in on the bruising...

All in all, this is the new year trajectory that's needed heading into a midterm year, with some consistencies still to resolve. Never painless for the people of course. We'll unfortunately continue to be inundated with the mass formation psychosis of the past two years, with fear porn raging and pushers promising cure alls, all while ignoring risks for the sake of the narrative. But that's just the 'vid, not to miss all the destruction masked by the plandemic, domestic and abroad.

A whole year with a puppet president. It's safe to say that Biden has performed as poorly as expected on EVERY pressing issue a president is tasked to handle. Even in his first 2022 press conference, his media sycophants are full of doubt. When even the British Prime Minister is catching a clue, one might hope that would rub off on this rube, but I'm not holding my breath. 

What a difference a year makes, though. Contrast all of that with a president that did actually accomplish MUCH for America and who genuinely LOVES the country, despite what his critics thought of him...

From the attempted coup during his presidency to the actual one admittedly perpetrated despite the warnings, the powers that be left us stuck with the current placeholder. So we're left with where we find ourselves. Some would just say that we're no better off...

To the contrary, and without a shadow of a doubt, America was SO MUCH better off under Trump than Biden. It's not even close. But the cabal thought otherwise. They thought American failure would be better...

I'd wager that the vast majority of us aren't pleased nor content with this 'new norm'. So if that's the case, and you're willing to consider another path, the last year's worth of publications from Imprimis are well worth the study... but here's one in particular from Hillsdale President Larry Arnn that suits this particular discussion:

Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.
Arnn goes on to describe the building up of the unelected, unaccountable federal bureaucracy, who's members come from the same 'educational' institutions as today's corporatists, tech elites and media voices, and who's unified cabal has foisted the past few years of Orwellian hell on us to reduce our great republic to the growing despotism we're all experiencing. But then Arnn begins to focus on how we must defeat this rising despotism with a few exemplary stories: one about a small business in a small Michigan town, another about the more known Loudoun County, Virginia school district. But it is the summary that's the clincher, that's suggestive of the way out...
What do these two stories—one of them taking place in Hillsdale County, Michigan, a deep red county, and the other in Loudoun County, Virginia, which is deeply blue—have in common? In both stories we see reactions against violations of our rights, rights that we have by nature as human beings.

The story about Mitch Spangler is about our right to work and to store up the product of our labor so that we and our families can eat and thrive. The American Founders put this in terms of our natural right to property. The story about the parents of Loudoun County is about the natural right of mothers and fathers to raise their children. To interfere with these rights is to interfere with the nature of the human being.

These facts about nature were well known during the American Revolution, the very Revolution that is besmirched by the members of our ruling class today, just as it was besmirched by the ruling class at the time of the Revolution. It was the interference with the colonists’ natural rights by that former ruling class that led to the American Revolution. These recent stories from Michigan and Virginia show that we Americans do not seem to like that interference any better today.

In addition to the right to make a living and the right to raise our children, we have the right to participate in our government, even if we are not experts, and the right to look to the heavens and not to our ruling class for guidance. We have these rights because we—every single one of us—were born with them sewn by God into our nature, and we cannot find our earthly fulfillment without them.

If we put these facts together as a people, we will have recovered the understanding that produced the American Revolution. We will stop these current predations upon our rights. We will bring this overwhelming government back where it belongs, under the control of the people.

The signs of such a movement are emerging. Pray they are enough.
God help us this year to turn the corner in the fight against this despotic cabal, in preserving our rights for ourselves and our posterity, in restoring America to that beacon of hope, to that shining city on a hill once more.

Related link: Seems Like We’re Living In a Dystopian Story…