Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The truth about Biden's border crisis is coming out...

No matter how hard the media tries to cover up Biden's mistakes, the truth about the border crisis is going to come out. ~ WJLive, 3/31/21
I haven't had nearly enough time to address this ('cause some folks work for a living to pay for all the taxes and handouts!), but there's no exaggerating that what the current illegitimate administration has done to decimate the country, not simply in dismantling Trump's accomplishment, but primarily in erasing the country's gains in a mere couple of months is beyond outrageous and could be irreparable if allowed to proceed at this pace over the next four years. Just one stark example of this erasure is the growing border crisis and the gross denial of maintaining our national sovereignty through a system of orderly, lawful immigration. Those words fall on deaf ears among the left, simply because it's another strategy...

Owens was right last week when she said that 'this is a border plan' with the purpose of importing Hispanics as Democrats' 'next victim voters'.

And with just a rough following of the border crisis, or what some might even call a super-spreader event, nothing about this could possibly be viewed as positive for the U.S. ...

...nor Biden apparently...
A recently released poll reported a significant drop in Biden's approval ratings on illegal immigration.

...but that doesn't matter, and neither does the integrity of our sovereign nation or the security of its citizenry. They've proven that over and over again (of particular note, November's fraudulent election). All for Party justifies the means to an end. And the seizure of power at the expense of, well, everything ultimately, will certainly reach that abyss, because it won't be America anymore... just another overpopulated, underperforming, broke-ass country.

Related link: Poll: 54 Percent of Americans Believe ‘Biden Border Crisis’ Is a ‘Crisis’