Wednesday, August 12, 2020

First reactions to Joe's pick...

My first reaction was pretty much the same (especially in images)...

Even the satirical BabylonBee framed it perfectly...

Black conservatives see through this piss-poor pandering pick and many have said so over the past 24hrs (here's just a sampling)...

Still waiting for Candace's comment, but we know what she thinks of Kamala already.

Levin is elaborating on Wednesday evening's show, but earlier highlighted what SUICIDE this pick is for Democrats and Joe Biden...

...and if ANTIFA redirecting its web traffic to is any indication, SUICIDE for the NATION if the citizenry were to even entertain such a nutty notion.

Related links: Kamala Harris Humbled To Have Been Chosen Exclusively For Her Race, Gender
Report: Kamala Harris Already Vetting VP Picks
Black WISDOM matters...