Friday, July 31, 2020

More than a few reflections on the public handling of Lewis and Cain in the Covid era

So...more than a few reflections. Democratic congressman John Lewis dies one week, then conservative stalwart Herman Cain passes the next. There's little dispute over the obvious differences between these two men, yet we could draw some commonalities in respect to their memory...
We should not overstate their differences. They deserve to be remembered for more than partisan disputes.

Both were extraordinarily successful in their careers: Lewis as an activist and Cain as a businessmen. Both won, against the odds.

Both had more in common than race, or childhood poverty. Lewis and Cain were both Americans who believed that our political and economic system, though flawed, could be harnessed for good. And both stood proudly for civil rights.
...but that isn't necessarily what I'm reflecting on. Rather, it's interesting to step back for a moment, and observe how the death of these two men are publicly handled, particularly in the era of Covid.

On one hand, you have the sick left seizing on Herman Cain’s death to mask shame and blame Trump for yet one more thing, when the reality of the situation is beyond either...
Then flip to John Lewis's funeral, where Democrats essentially try to recreate the Wellstone memorial, especially with Obama turning his eulogy into a stump speech...
"Desecrating a funeral with campaign slogans? What kind of person would do that? Democrats in the audience didn’t blink, they cheered. It all seemed normal to them and why wouldn’t it? Political power is their religion.”
"They do no care about true integrity, they care more about virtue signaling. ... How has the Democrat Party been able to manipulate black people and black culture so greatly?"

On top of that, in the current clamped-down climate of masks, distancing and lockdowns, we're introduced to yet another HUGE contradiction as normal Americans face much different restrictions from the elites...
Conservative commentators are criticizing Democrat elites for failing to observe so-called social distancing and other measures which they have insisted are necessary while at a funeral service for Democratic congressman John Lewis.

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton were all in attendance and spoke at the service in Atlanta, Georgia, as well U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Images from the service shared to social media show a packed church with many members of the congregation not “social distancing” – a measure which has been insisted upon for churches around the country in response to the coronavirus crisis and which the Georgia state government says is currently required.
Others referenced the similarity between congregants at the funeral not following the lockdown/coronavirus protocols they demand of the rest of the country with the mainstream media’s lionizing of massively crowded Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests across the United States. Those protests have shown little regard for “social distancing” or other draconian coronavirus lockdown measures, yet they have been praised by the media which at the same time criticized President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign for its decision to resume in-person rallies.
Peculiar how this virus works with/for the mainstream media, their preferred political party and the elites among them, huh? It's almost as if it's targeting their opposition (US) at every turn. /sarcasm

Related links: Alveda King on loss of John Lewis and Herman Cain: God help us
Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson slam Obama for comparing police to Bull Connor at funeral of John Lewis
Jim Jordan grills Dr. Fauci on whether protests should be limited over coronavirus transmission

John Lewis got a Political Rally; Herman Cain Will get a Funeral

ADDENDUM: Dems' double-standard and Obama's lying bloviation perfectly addressed by Levin over the weekend...
"First of all, I'm utterly confused. I though people weren't allowed to have funerals? ... So there are funerals and then there are 'funerals' I guess? Look, Barack Obama is a pathological liar. They're trying to set the stage for a close election of one or two battleground states, that it's systemic racism. They've been laying this foundation for months and months and months. No, every vote doesn't count. Every legal vote counts, and that's the point. And when you're asking someone for ID, it's not a big deal, because somebody needed ID to get into that church and to attend that service. We need ID all over the country for a thousand different reasons. And so what, you have to actually vote."

"I would say this to Barack Obama: You're one of the great reasons in this country where there is a huge racial divide. And you could have been a great leader. You could have been a great leader of the American people of all races. But you couldn't put aside your community activism."