Friday, July 31, 2020

More than a few reflections on the public handling of Lewis and Cain in the Covid era

So...more than a few reflections. Democratic congressman John Lewis dies one week, then conservative stalwart Herman Cain passes the next. There's little dispute over the obvious differences between these two men, yet we could draw some commonalities in respect to their memory...
We should not overstate their differences. They deserve to be remembered for more than partisan disputes.

Both were extraordinarily successful in their careers: Lewis as an activist and Cain as a businessmen. Both won, against the odds.

Both had more in common than race, or childhood poverty. Lewis and Cain were both Americans who believed that our political and economic system, though flawed, could be harnessed for good. And both stood proudly for civil rights.
...but that isn't necessarily what I'm reflecting on. Rather, it's interesting to step back for a moment, and observe how the death of these two men are publicly handled, particularly in the era of Covid.

On one hand, you have the sick left seizing on Herman Cain’s death to mask shame and blame Trump for yet one more thing, when the reality of the situation is beyond either...
Then flip to John Lewis's funeral, where Democrats essentially try to recreate the Wellstone memorial, especially with Obama turning his eulogy into a stump speech...
"Desecrating a funeral with campaign slogans? What kind of person would do that? Democrats in the audience didn’t blink, they cheered. It all seemed normal to them and why wouldn’t it? Political power is their religion.”
"They do no care about true integrity, they care more about virtue signaling. ... How has the Democrat Party been able to manipulate black people and black culture so greatly?"

On top of that, in the current clamped-down climate of masks, distancing and lockdowns, we're introduced to yet another HUGE contradiction as normal Americans face much different restrictions from the elites...
Conservative commentators are criticizing Democrat elites for failing to observe so-called social distancing and other measures which they have insisted are necessary while at a funeral service for Democratic congressman John Lewis.

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton were all in attendance and spoke at the service in Atlanta, Georgia, as well U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Images from the service shared to social media show a packed church with many members of the congregation not “social distancing” – a measure which has been insisted upon for churches around the country in response to the coronavirus crisis and which the Georgia state government says is currently required.
Others referenced the similarity between congregants at the funeral not following the lockdown/coronavirus protocols they demand of the rest of the country with the mainstream media’s lionizing of massively crowded Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests across the United States. Those protests have shown little regard for “social distancing” or other draconian coronavirus lockdown measures, yet they have been praised by the media which at the same time criticized President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign for its decision to resume in-person rallies.
Peculiar how this virus works with/for the mainstream media, their preferred political party and the elites among them, huh? It's almost as if it's targeting their opposition (US) at every turn. /sarcasm

Related links: Alveda King on loss of John Lewis and Herman Cain: God help us
Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson slam Obama for comparing police to Bull Connor at funeral of John Lewis
Jim Jordan grills Dr. Fauci on whether protests should be limited over coronavirus transmission

John Lewis got a Political Rally; Herman Cain Will get a Funeral

ADDENDUM: Dems' double-standard and Obama's lying bloviation perfectly addressed by Levin over the weekend...
"First of all, I'm utterly confused. I though people weren't allowed to have funerals? ... So there are funerals and then there are 'funerals' I guess? Look, Barack Obama is a pathological liar. They're trying to set the stage for a close election of one or two battleground states, that it's systemic racism. They've been laying this foundation for months and months and months. No, every vote doesn't count. Every legal vote counts, and that's the point. And when you're asking someone for ID, it's not a big deal, because somebody needed ID to get into that church and to attend that service. We need ID all over the country for a thousand different reasons. And so what, you have to actually vote."

"I would say this to Barack Obama: You're one of the great reasons in this country where there is a huge racial divide. And you could have been a great leader. You could have been a great leader of the American people of all races. But you couldn't put aside your community activism."

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube CENSOR doctors who aren't towing the Covid media narrative! UPDATE: Doctor FIRED!

Unbelievable in America...

Looks like there's only one left on yesterday's post. But here's more from Breitbart on this blatant CENSORSHIP:

Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well.

The livestream had accumulated over 17 million views by the time of its censorship by Facebook.

The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers.

In terms of viral velocity, the post was beating content from many other prominent accounts on Facebook, including Hillary Clinton, Rev. Franklin Graham, and Kim Kardashian.

Over 185,000 viewers were concurrently watching the stream when it aired live Monday afternoon.

The event, hosted by the organization America’s Frontline Doctors, a group founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, and made up of medical doctors, came together to address what the group calls a “massive disinformation campaign” about the coronavirus. Norman also spoke at the event.

“If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads the event’s information page.

The event was organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots.

“We’ve removed this video for sharing false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19,” a Facebook company spokesman, Andy Stone, told Breitbart News. The company did not specify what portion of the video it ruled to be “false information,” who it consulted to make that ruling, and on what basis it was made. ...

Facebook’s decision to censor the livestream was quickly followed by YouTube, the Google-owned video-sharing platform. The video had over 80,000 views on YouTube prior to its removal.

Following Facebook and YouTube’s removal of the video, Twitter followed suit, removing Breitbart News’s Periscope livestream of the press conference. Jack Dorsey’s platform also then limited the Breitbart News official account, indicating that tweets containing links to multiple stories about the press conference violate the platform’s COVID-19 policies.
(Twitter censored Melissa Tate's tweet, but I retained remnants of it)

It's no coincidence that this effort to CONTROL SPEECH coincides with an ELECTION YEAR...

Related links: Twitter Locks Parts of Donald Trump Jr.’s Account for Sharing Video Touting Hydroxychloroquine
Sacrificing Science for Panic and Power
Yale epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine works against COVID-19, so use it and stop politicizing it
Lockdown of children is harming immune systems and our best shot at herd immunity
Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
Don Jr. speaks out about temporary Twitter ban on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’
Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

ADDENDUM: Follow-up...

The media is also attacking outspoken-and-unafraid Dr. Stella Immanuel. Don't think you guys are gonna be able to smite her so easily, HA!

Related links: Dr. Stella Immanuel: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Dr. Stella Immanuel: White Protester Tells COVID-19 Doctor, ‘I’m More Black Than You’

UPDATE: And now, the doctor leading the charge, Dr. Simone Gold, has been FIRED!

All this effort to silence, but nothing to see here?

Related links: Doctor Fired After Appearing In Viral Video: We've Hired Lin Wood To Represent Us

Monday, July 27, 2020

Splain! America's Frontline Doctors who've had enough of the disinformation are doing just that...

Every American needs to see THIS, and we need an explanation NOW!

I think MANY of us know the answer, but continue to hear crickets from many of our elected officials, and we damn sure aren't hearing anything from the unfree press, who criticize people on the beaches, but encourage 'peaceful protesters' to congregate in the streets. Amazing. The same has unfortunately been the case from any united physicians front...until NOW...

It would appear that we began receiving an abundance of answers Monday morning via America's Frontline Doctors Summit, a panel of physicians who've had enough!
American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the American Frontline Doctor's Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear. Join the summit live as we:
  • Create the opportunity for frontline doctors to talk directly to the American people.
  • Educate and inform Congresspersons, who have also been subject to widespread misinformation.
  • Build alliances, as it falls to us physicians to heal our nation.
America's Frontline Doctors Summit - Sessions 1 & 2 can be viewed HERE.

Note: Looks like it's a weekly task to replace broken links with actual working ones, as BigTech's Gestapo-like CENSORSHIP continues to pull down this pertinent information (more on that here). Appreciate your patience!

Original presser FOUND! Thanks, RCP!

Several important segments were highlighted by PragerU...

And an excellent science lesson that we all needed to know was included in the second session!

ADDENDUM: While the prevailing experts may be fighting against frontline doctors on treatment, it appears that even the CDC has come around to kids heading back to school (even if they aren't discussing lessened severity, preexisting immunities, herd immunity, etc.)...

Related links: Authors of Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Study Defend Their Work After Being Attacked by Dr. Fauci
Yale Epidemiology Professor Dismantles CNN Anchor's 'Ludicrous' Hydroxychloroquine Attack

Friday, July 24, 2020

Democrats were, are, and will continue to be the party of racial oppression

...and the quicker Americans realize that, the better informed we'll be in our ability to rise above the incessant media charades and the endless manipulation of the destructive party they serve. But if Biden wants to crawl out of his hole to claim Trump is racist, let's discuss that topic, shall we? 
Joe Biden popped up from his hunker bunker Wednesday long enough to drop a big race-baiting whopper on Donald Trump. Biden declared that Trump is the first racist to be elected president, and that only he (Biden) can correct the so-called “systemic racism” he claims is plaguing our nation.

Apparently, this was not an issue during Biden’s previous almost 45 years in “public service,” including eight years as Barack Obama’s VP. Yes, that would be the same Obama who Biden described, when they were competing for the 2007 presidential nomination, as “the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Got that?

According to Biden: “The way [Trump] deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening. No sitting president has ever done this. … We’ve had racists, and … they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has.”

Fact check: Dividing people up “on the color of their skin” and “their national origin” is page one of the Democrat Party playbook! Democrats have had great success pandering to black and Hispanic constituents, convincing them they will continue to be helpless victims of injustice if they don’t keep voting “D.” How has that worked out?

Regarding Biden’s BIG Lie about Trump, let’s take a brief walk down racist Democrat presidential history in the 20th century. Two of the most notable racist Democrat presidents were Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson.

Wilson argued, “Segregation is not humiliating, but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded.” He even hosted a White House screening of the racist movie “Birth of a Nation,” portraying the KKK as the real heroes after the Civil War.

Johnson, who routinely used racist slurs against black people (as recorded in his personal taped conversations), is the architect of the so-called “Great Society” programs that have, effectively, institutionalized black poverty. Regarding passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Johnson said, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” On Democrat strategy, LBJ said: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

That is the model of black oppression championed by today’s Democrats, and for the same reason.
BINGO! That divide-and-conquer scheme reaches its tentacles through every outlet of education, entertainment, press, etc., allowing them to keep us at each others throats, while garnering votes to usher them back into power time and time again; all the while, conveniently hiding and continuously whitewashing the party’s lengthy record of racism. Don't let'em fool ya...
And, no, the old racist Democrats didn’t “switch to the Republican Party” in the 1960s — a canard propagated by today’s Demos. Those racists formed the foundation of the Democrat Party and its effort to divide Americans along every line, racial, ethnic, gender, etc., in order to win elections. Obama mastered that divide-and-conquer strategy in 2008, and Biden is attempting to replicate that reprehensible ruse.

So, coming full circle back to Biden, his words have repeatedly betrayed his underlying racist views over his career. One more example — when discussing why Iowa students perform better than Washington, DC, students, Biden said: “There’s less than 1% of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4% or 5% that is, are minorities. What is it in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with.”

As I noted in my column on leftist cancel culture this week: “Democrats were, are, and will continue to be the party of black oppression. Arguably, the Democrat Party is now, simultaneously, the author and beneficiary of generations of their own institutionalized ‘systemic racism.’”

The Democrats’ “anti-racism” is racism in disguise, and, to borrow Biden’s phrase, their pandering and patriarchal treatment of Americans “based on the color of their skin … is absolutely sickening.”
Yes it is, as is the party that constantly escalates it, as is the man leading that party, as are they and their sycophants who promulgate it and use it to drag the nation down at every turn.

Related links: The Top 7 Racist Comments Made by Joe Biden Over the Years
TWO BIGGEST CLOWNS! I can’t believe things they are saying!
The Thing About Biden's “Then You Ain't Black,” That Makes It So Much Worse.
Can We Talk About How One GOP Congressman Introduced a Resolution to Ban the Democratic Party?

Calling déjà vu on presidential polls

Folks, don't get nervous or dispirited at these ridiculous lamestream efforts to oversample Dems (yes, even Fox News)... these presidential polls are déjà vu all over again...
If you listen to the mainstream media, the election is over. Joe Biden has an insurmountable and growing double-digit lead over President Trump for an election that is still over three months away.

The headline on CNN’s recent “poll of polls” including “the five most recent national telephone polls measuring the view of registered voters” screams, “Biden maintains a double-digit lead over Trump nationally.” That’s it, case closed, President Biden is a foregone conclusion.

Where have we heard such assurance? Four years ago, on June 26, 2016, Time reported, “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a double-digit lead over presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.” How did that turn out?

Let’s look at some of the polls CNN references. The Washington Post – ABC News poll sampled 1,000 adults. Not likely voters, not registered voters, not even eligible voters, just whoever answered the phone. As with most polls, they oversampled Democrats, in this case 30 to 24 percent, an immediate six-point bump for Biden. Going further, the sample contains 399 Trump supporters and 522 Biden supporters, over a 25 percent advantage to Biden.

It is no wonder that when asked if the election were being held today, Biden is favored 54 to 39 percent over Trump.

Another cited poll is the Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters, oversampling Democrats by 10 points, 34 to 24 percent. Their sample favored Biden over Trump 52 to 37 percent, a 15-point margin, two-thirds of which is negated by the skewed poll sample.

The Fox News poll oversampled Democrats by four points, and in the “who would you vote for today,” Biden won by an eight-point margin. But the poll was split evenly on whether Trump would be reelected.

This discrepancy between who voters favor and who they think will win suggests there are some secret Trump voters out there. A recent Monmouth University poll further illustrated this phenomenon. Voters favored Biden over Trump 53 to 40 percent, but when asked who would actually win the election, it was Trump 46%, Biden 45%.

This is like asking a football fan who they want to win the Super Bowl versus who they think will win. The latter question provides the more accurate prediction.

One of the most accurate polls in 2016, Rasmussen Reports, showed Biden this week with only a two-point advantage over Trump, 47% to 45%, among likely voters, even with a four-point Democrat oversampling.

These polls are a snapshot in time. The election is months away, and the critical issues swaying voters may not even be known yet.

Polls are national and reflect the popular vote, not the Electoral College, a series of 50 state elections. National polls four years ago predicted a Clinton landslide, yet now she is sipping Chardonnay in Chappaqua rather than working in the Oval Office.

Then there is the likely Democratic candidate himself. Biden is currently under little scrutiny, ensconced safely in his basement. He has rallies to lead, speeches to deliver and debates with Trump, all of which will showcase his declining mental and cognitive capabilities.

If Democrats and the media really believed Biden was on track to win, they would not be pushing for mail-in ballots or wanting illegal immigrants to vote. They would not be trying to keep states and cities shut down into fall to damage the economy.

Most polls are not intended to inform but to dispirit Trump supporters in the hopes that many stay home on Election Day. It didn’t work in 2016, and it won’t work in 2020.
By hook or by crook (mostly the latter), Dems are determined to steal back power, and the BigMedia is happy to oblige. Don't believe'em, and don't let'em! November is coming...

Related links: Despite improving fortunes for Democrats, Texas still tough for Biden to win
Proof That The Polls Claiming Biden Is Leading Trump Are Complete BS!
Democrats use manipulated polls to stage fake momentum
Trump slams ‘fake’ Fox News poll showing Biden leading 2020 presidential race
Joe Biden buoyed by fake polls, false reporting
Pollsters Fear Biden’s Numbers Exaggerated in State Polls
Fake 2020 Poll: Joe Biden 53%, Donald Trump 40%
You Can Forget All Those Fake Polls, Because Trump Just Smoked Biden (and Obama) in The Georgia Primary
Fake polls destroy media credibility

Friday, July 17, 2020

Along with treatments and vaccine development, researchers continue to discover how immunities remember!

More positive news on the Covid front, since the lamestreamers don't seem to wanna recognize it...

Besides all the early positive test results from multiple vaccine developers (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna/NIH, AstraZeneca/Oxford, AppliedDNA/Takis), which are making stocks soar once again, a new study shows 17 years of potential T cell immunity in SARS-infected patients!
God has a way of prepping the human body for potentially deadly viruses to somewhat mitigate the amount of death we’d otherwise suffer every year from all sorts of microbiological threats. COVID-19 is not different.

The latest research on T cells, white blood cells produced by the immune system to ward off infections through memory of past pathogens, show that even those patients who never develop antibodies or have lost them over time will retain T cell immunity that remembers to fight off coronaviruses in the future. Moreover, the study provides new evidence for the theory that herd immunity could be achieved at an approximately 20% infection rate for most cities, thanks to T cell cross-immunity from other coronaviruses.

The latest version of panic porn being propagated by the media is that many people don’t produce antibodies and that even more of those infected will lose them over time, potentially opening them up to reinfection.

Why we automatically assume the worst of this virus and base our response on the idea of this virus defying all known patterns remains a mystery, but this study from Singapore should place the onus on naysayers to show why this form of coronavirus would be different from others.
The piece goes on to discuss the details of the peer-reviewed, published study, as well as it's positive implications for both those who've already gotten the virus and those who still may get it. In short, the researchers are looking at cross-immunities from other coronaviruses over the years. Testing further with more common forms of coronavirus, it looks like the majority had T cells that were reactive to SARS-CoV-2, even though they had no known exposure to the virus!
How can that be? A large portion of the population likely has at least partial cross-immunity through T cell memory cells induced by contracting one of those four common cold coronaviruses. This would explain why so many places seem to experience a burnout of the virus after it reaches only 15%-20% prevalence, according to serology tests. Yes, only 15%-20% have antibodies, but many more likely have cross-immunity through T cells, as Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta, and Stanford Professor John Ioannidis predicted.

This harmonizes with a previous study from the La Joya Institute of Immunology in California that showed such cross-reactive responses in 40%-60% of random blood donors

This might also explain why so many people are found to be asymptomatic and possibly many more have had the virus asymptomatically but never tested positive for antibodies. ...

Also, the same reason why someone initially got the virus asymptomatically, likely because of T cell memory produced by cross-immunity, is the same reason they will continue to be free of symptoms in the future, even if they don’t possesses antibodies.
A lot of positive news on viable treatment, vaccine development, antibodies and immunities, but just remember...
While we are still learning more about this virus and the human immune system response to it every day, these findings should make us optimistic in the long run, unless the media has made us immune to any good news.
Ain't that the truth! Stay optimistic, America. Don't let'em keep ya down. It's our surefire way through this.

Related link: 'Panicmongers' ripped for inconsistency on COVID, flu

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Let's finish writing the American Comeback Story!

Over the weekend, we heard the feigned outrage of Trump's Stone commutation, never mind Clinton and Obama's well-documented pardons and clemencies granted to terrorists!
Soon after it was announced that President Trump had commuted the prison sentence of Roger Stone, the outrage mob mobilized. ... This is hardly the first time Democrats have claimed to be outraged at Trump’s acts of clemency. ... But, these same people who pounced on Trump’s acts of clemency yawned and looked the other when Barack Obama commuted the sentence of terrorists and traitors.
One of the best monologues on this entire fiasco was from Jesse Watters. However, he gave us something more to consider: stay focused! No more distractions...

...and some very sound advice for President Trump throughout and beyond Covid, the riots and Biden: Let's finish writing the American Comeback Story! And all indications point to the President listening...

Black WISDOM matters...

LibertyPen has always highlighted individual purveyors and promoters of American freedom, like the brilliant Thomas Sowell, along with equally magnificent Williams, Steele, Elder and many others, and as such have produced great series celebrating the American experience throughout the years. With the recent racial incitements, it seems this wonderful black wisdom series would go a long way for any and all receptive...

Thoughtful black commentators assess the state of racism in today's America. Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Jason Riley, Shelby Steele, Larry Elder, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Lil Wayne, Bob Woodson, Ben Carson. see also:

Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters: The Promise of Black Politicians
Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters: Good Intentions of the Welfare State
Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters: The Impact of Culture
Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters: Slavery, Guilt and Reparations
Thomas Sowell/Black Wisdom Matters: The Clamor for School Choice
Related links: Thomas Sowell: ‘Systemic Racism’ Has ‘No Meaning’
Will Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other Democrat Party Marxist and violent surrogates help re-elect President Trump? This poll suggests yes.
Systemic racism is so rare in America, the media just can't stop lying about it

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A must for one, MUST be for ALL

Alright, if this is a must for the Prez, then the same must apply to all members of congress, as well as every Supreme Court justice!
In three tweets on Thursday, conservative talk show host Mark Levin explained how the Supreme Court's 7-2 decision on the president's tax returns could (and should) come back to haunt the justices:
Levin immediately gave a more accurate account of the ruling than the headlines portrayed that day...
...then expanded on the ruling by the "seven politicians" of the Court, all but dissenting originalists Alito and Thomas:

Congress needs tax returns in order to make legislative decisions, right?

What if Congress were to ask Supreme Court justices for their tax returns? They say they have a legislative purpose, and they do.

Supreme Court justices are handling all kinds of cases -- financial, anti-trust, civil -- just think about it. As a matter of course, shouldn't we know what's in their actual tax returns rather than financial disclosure agreements?
Political plays have become the unfortunate norm infecting every avenue of governance in our hyperbolic century, even those that are supposed to be ‘nonpartisan’. So if that’s now the case, what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. It’s the only way they’ll feel the consequences of their own rulings.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Viable treatments are available, but for the politics of it all

Consider this an extension of last week's post on treatment, along with that addendum on encouraging vaccine test results...

A word to describe the modern liberal media's behavior throughout all of this could probably be summed up with simply evil. They collectively hate President Trump so much that they'd sacrifice thousands upon thousands of American lives just to oppose him. And yes, Mark, there's no may to it. Even with an epidemic, they continue to promote death over life, which I suppose we shouldn't be so shocked about, considering the cultural decay supported by the unfree press. Rest assured, they'll never apologize for this either. They're the truly sick ones...
So, will this actually change anything? Or will the media now triple down on trying to disprove HCQ's potential lifesaving benefits again just because Trump suggested it as a solution? It's time to pursue the former and let go of the latter, folks. An apology is honestly unimportant at this juncture, we just need to SAVE LIVES by any means, inclusive of alternatives that are garnering results, like this West Texas doctor's use of inhaled Budesonide!

Dr. Richard Bartlett works at various clinics around West Texas, and says he’s found a successful treatment for the coronavirus.

“The treatment plan is inhaled, generic budesonide,” Bartlett said. “Using some generic antibiotics to protect from a secondary bacterial infection. Using zinc, which interferes with virus replication. It’s common sense. It’s intuitive.”

Budesonide is a steroid, that can be inhaled directly to the lungs using a nebulizer.

The drug has been used for decades to treat asthma and is approved by the FDA. However using it to treat COVID-19 is not.

“I am not aware of any doctors anywhere that are using this specifically for COVID-19, yet,” Bartlett said.

Bartlett said he treats people as soon as they show symptoms.

“Early treatment is better with this disease,” he said. “And I’m having a 100% survival rate..."

Bartlett said that patients tell him they feel immediate relief.
That could be an even quicker, more readily available solution, but don't tell the leftist press (or censoring social media)! There are viable treatments that can be pursued and don't require the slow walk of government bureaucrats or leftist among the medical profession, both of which don't seem to want any solutions aside from a vaccine that they can profit from for years to come. Hogwash! I repeat, help save American lives NOW! To hell with the politics on this one.

Related links: Why Doctors and Nurses Are Putting Some of the Most Severe Coronavirus Patients on Their Stomachs
Doctors think ventilators might harm some COVID-19 patients

U.S. Coronavirus Cases Are Rising Sharply, but Deaths Are Still Down
Media is obsessed with COVID cases, but death rate is what is important

And looky there...the President sounds off as well...
Oh, and there's also THIS!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Celebrating America's Independence!

REMEMBER, AMERICA! Refresh yourself, and fall in love with your country over and over again...

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
There is something beyond the establishment of a new nation, great as that event would be, in the Declaration of Independence which has ever since caused it to be regarded as one of the great charters that not only was to liberate America but was everywhere to ennoble humanity.

It was not because it was proposed to establish a new nation, but because it was proposed to establish a nation on new principles, that July 4, 1776, has come to be regarded as one of the greatest days in history.

Three very definite propositions were set out in its preamble regarding the nature of mankind and therefore of government. These were the doctrine that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, and that therefore the source of the just powers of government must be derived from the consent of the governed.

If no one is to be accounted as born into a superior station, if there is to be no ruling class, and if all possess rights which can neither be bartered away nor taken from them by any earthly power, it follows as a matter of course that the practical authority of the Government has to rest on the consent of the governed.

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with unalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.

If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

Amid all the clash of conflicting interests, amid all the welter of partisan politics, every American can turn for solace and consolation to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States with the assurance and confidence that those two great charters of freedom and justice remain firm and unshaken.

In all the essentials we have achieved an equality which was never possessed by any other people. Even in the less important matter of material possessions we have secured a wider and wider distribution of wealth. The rights of the individual are held sacred and protected by constitutional guaranties which even the Government itself is bound not to violate.

If there is any one thing among us that is established beyond question, it is self-government – the right of the people to rule. If there is any failure in respect to any of these principles, it is because there is a failure on the part of individuals to observe them.

Governments do not make ideals, but ideals make governments.
~ excerpts taken from President Calvin Coolidge’s 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence speech, July 5 1926

Related links: America's Founding Documents
The Statue of Liberty and the path to true peace
South Dakota Gov. Noem vows to protect Mt. Rushmore: We won't stand for 'radical rewriting of history'
Live: Trump attends Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore
July 4, Now More Than Ever
President Trump gives “Salute to America” on 4th of July