Monday, May 11, 2020

Levin's exposure of a silent coup bears out (ADDENDUMS)

Truth Will Out...?

Even through all that we've endured over the past few months with the nation's focus turned towards the current epidemic, the wheels of justice hopefully keep squeaking along. And though extremely sluggish at times, it bears mentioning that at least one constitutionalist has been sounding the alarm for years now that something simply didn't pass the smell test. The something that has been referred to as a conspiracy among the punditry is no longer just a theory or hunch, but is absolutely what occurred within the cabal of leftover bureaucrats from the previous administration seeking to take down a duly elected president from the moment he was elected, of which included the previous predecessor himself, and driven by a leftist, scandal-laden press that seeks out anything but the truth (just as they continue even now).

The floodgates began to open last week with justice finally arriving for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and notice of a historic broadcast that began to bear out the truth about the silent coup against President Trump...

The deluge continued on Friday's usual news dump (when the general public is least attentive) and into the weekend..

...among which included THIS, what most of us suspected all along!
BOOM! Spread the word, 'cause the MSM ain't gonna...this silent coup of the previous administration's making has been EXPOSED!
Related links: Democrat Law Professor Blasts Obama For False Statements About DOJ Dismissing Flynn Case
Adam Schiff lied about the Trump investigation — and the media let him

Question is, will there be any accountability? There MUST...

ADDENDUM: Mark continued hammering away today...
...there's more here HERE!

ADDENDUM II: And on Wednesday, more declassification shows more of Obama's Dems at the source, downplayed by the MSM of course...

ADDENDUM III: By the end of this week, I thoroughly have to agree with Levin...
“They ought to take a wing in Leavenworth and put all these guys in there” well as with the sentiments of the following!
ADDENDUM IV: And by the time we get to another week, typical...the double-standard continues to be allowed...
President Trump said Monday that he was “surprised” by Attorney General William Barr’s statement that he doesn’t anticipate a criminal investigation into former President Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden.

“I think if it was me, they would do it. I think for them, maybe they’re not going to,” Trump told reporters Monday afternoon when asked about the attorney general's comments. “I’m surprised because Obama knew everything that was happening.”

“I think it’s just a continuation of a double standard. I am surprised by it,” the president continued.

Barr earlier Monday said he didn’t expect U.S. attorney John Durham’s probe into the FBI’s decisionmaking in the Russia investigation to lead to criminal investigations of either Obama or Biden.

“Based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr told reporters. “Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.” ...

Trump later Monday said he wasn’t necessarily disappointed by Barr’s comments but reiterated that he believed the former president's and vice president's actions in connection to the Russia investigation were “illegal.”
While it sounds like Barr is not done, there will be more probing, someone(s) will be held accountable in some respect, it's unlikely the accountability will reach the cabal responsible for this travesty against President Trump or for the American public who were dragged through this whole damaging mess. Obama and Biden get passes, you know, because they're Democratic untouchables propped up by their lapdog media sycophants. The more things change, the more they stay the same...