Monday, January 13, 2020

The party press continues to get it wrong...

Undoubtedly, dichotomies exist within everything all over the world. Yet, contrary to the narratives pushed and the optics provided, the streets of Baghdad and Tehran have displayed quite a contrast to the one-sidedness that our own hate-America-first, Iranian-regime-supporting, leftist press would have you witness. Why wouldn't they want to highlight another surge of liberty in the region, bringing about what many hope might finally result in the downfall of this oppressive regime? One has to wonder if that's reflective of their ideals toward liberty, or lack thereof, but likely it's more exemplary of how far they'd keep the world suppressed just to get rid of Trump and regain their party's power...

Likewise, it’s just as insane to blame Trump for Iran’s downing of a Ukrainian plane!
Politics is a dirty business. Blaming opponents is standard. But there comes a time when such finger-pointing is downright unpatriotic. Liberals crossed that line by trying to pin the downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet over Tehran on President Trump — a tragedy thousands of Iranian protesters blamed on the malicious ineptitude of their own leaders.
But this all ties right back into the left's viciousness towards Trump, their refusal to allow any administration other than their own to function, and their reckless pursuit of one-party dominance at all costs, in press and politics alike...
Because liberals believe “Trump is bad,” many automatically end up on the “Iran-is-good” side to oppose the president. Soleimani was a terrorist with the blood of hundreds of Americans on his hands. He also plotted terror attacks against the US homeland: You don’t have to believe Trump — ask the Obama administration, which accused him of that in 2011.

Yet American media were downright solemn upon his death. Grabien Media put together a montage of media personalities describing him as “brave,” “a war hero,” “no ordinary general.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper compared him to Charles de Gaulle, who led the Free French against the Nazis in World War II.

It’s hard to imagine that Soleimani would have gotten the same unseemly gushing praise, or Iran the liberal apologetics, had it been Team Obama that had greased him.

There is a lot of room to be concerned about escalation with Iran without being insane about it. If you reach the point where you’re blaming Trump, and by extension America, for the Tehran regime ­accidentally firing at a passenger jet, it’s long past the time to rethink. Opposing war or the Trump presidency is one thing; making excuses for a leading state sponsor of terror is quite another.
We exited 2019 with several examples of how the press intentionally misleads the general public...well, I guess this one goes down as the first of the new year, and don't bank on them letting up in an election year. It continues to be despicably dishonest and disheartening, though. We should be united to stand with these patriotic calls for freedom throughout the world, instead of constantly fighting against the polarization within a supposed free press that would mislead for one party's sake.

Related link: Iranian female Olympian defects, calls out regime's 'hypocrisy' as she exits country permanently