Friday, November 15, 2019

The TRUTH cutting through these Democratic COUP hearings...

Throughout these Democratic COUP hearings dressed up as an impeachment inquiry, of which the biased press continues to misleadingly address as 'impeachment' itself, here's the most TRUTHFUL statements that have been presented to the American public, both on Wednesday...

...and TODAY...

Rep. Stefanik TORCHES Adam Schiff over criticizing Republicans for wanting the Whistleblower to testify
And of course, the biggest LIE (besides all of these Deep Staters' hearsay and second-third-forth-hand allegations, who are attempting to undermine a duly elected president's ability to make policy decisions and lead his administration) came from Shifty Schiff himself...

Keep cutting through this hogwash, ladies and gentlemen, because this can't simply end with Democrats conceding that their impeachment argument is failing. Oh no. We MUST get to the real collusion going on here and hold these actual conspirators accountable for even plunging us into this wasteful farce.

Related link: Democrats are wasting America's time on impeachment