Friday, February 15, 2019

Building up Trump's action on the border crisis

So, before the Senate, then House, passed their crappy border bill, news broke that President Trump will sign the damn thing...but he's also declaring a state of emergency at the same time AND he's freed up 8 billion for the border wall! Awesome sauce.

Of course, as soon as news broke, rumblings of Dems running to their favorite lib judges seeking injunction suits revved up, ya know, to halt the efforts of the President and his allies who seek to maintain law, order and national sovereignty. And he addressed it this morning as well (the lower lib courts will try to stop it, but the SCOTUS will affirm it).

So, according to the left, never mind this, I guess?

Just think about how insane this effort towards a borderless nation sounds. Every nation in the world has a border! But screw the safety, security and liberties of the American citizenry? If you dig into this, it's easy to see that 1.) much of this is about keeping the hate on against the man (how tolerant?), 2.) following lockstep with the whims of the Democratic establishment and their propagandist mediaites in their efforts towards perpetual power (i.e., the vote), and 3.) digging just a little deeper, a wayward desire to erase any notion of orderly assimilation and American culture. But as Trump stated this morning to one reporter, and as many, many have said before him, including the Gipper (who was bamboozled in his own time)...

“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”

That's the simple fact of the matter that too many on the left either don't consider, don't bother to acknowledge, or I fear worse, choose to purposefully rebel against. And it's with that last one that I'll never find agreement with progressive, socialist leanings of the American left. Paraphrasing Milton Friedman, you cannot simultaneously have open borders and a welfare state.

What Friedman didn't predict unfortunately is that we have leftist legislators who have begun to open up entitlements and benefits that were established for the impoverished citizen now offered to the illegal alien! And with no allegiance to our nation, we now enter into a recipe of cultural rot and societal failure. There's compassion, and it has its place in working with our neighbors, finding cooperation with governments, and helping to improve worldwide conditions. But this is not compassion; this is foolish and immoral in so many ways, and worse, ultimately leads to ruin.

It's good that President Trump sees that, strives towards the betterment of our nation (even if imperfectly executed with a signature on that crappy bill), and is willing to go to bat for the American people. It's been too long since we've had that in leadership.

ADDENDUM: Levin added via FB post:
While the National Emergencies Act of 1976 should be rarely used for real emergencies, it has in fact been used over fifty times without controversy. The fact is the leftwing media and the RINOs do not view illegal immigration and the cumulative importation of millions of aliens into our country in violation of federal law as a big deal. If they did, they would’ve acted long before Trump became president. The president rightly does view it as an emergency. The law itself, as used by the president, does not violate separation of powers in this instance as it is applied quite narrowly, with the president moving around funds which he is empowered to do by Congress.

Meanwhile, the leftwing media and the RINOs don’t mind at all the creation of the entire massive bureaucracy and the delegation of law-making to it by Congress, over the period of the last century, which delegation has always violated separation of powers. We now call it the administrative state or swamp. Not a single conservative in Congress has even tried to do anything effective about it. And the pseudo-constitutionalists of today haven’t given a damn about it either.
Great point.