Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Jerusalem IS Israel's capital (UPDATES)

Has been for 3000 years since King David proclaimed it so; has been nearly 70 years since modern Israel's statehood (recognized by President Truman within minutes after its announcement in 1948, btw). Despite four presidential promises broken and 25 years of skirting the common sense truth of the matter (no thanks in part to an anti-Semitic media who seems to cheerlead for violent response), as of December 6, 2017 (St. Nicholas Day no less), a U.S. President finally leads in this affirmation through not only an official recognition, but by moving our embassy to the Jewish state's rightful capital...
Israeli PM Netanyahu praised this ‘historic’ decision by Trump and encouraged others to move their embassies to Jerusalem...
CR: “We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past. All challenges demand new approaches.” — President Donald Trump

This day has been long overdue. In fact, the U.S. initially recognized the Jewish people’s right to sovereignty over the entirety of the land west of the Jordan River, including Jerusalem, 95 years ago. But endless threats of the "Arab street" has deterred them from following through with this commitment … until President Trump.

The fact that he is willing to break the same old paradigm of putting “Arab street” concerns above our interests and doing what’s right is a very positive quality that will hopefully bear fruit on other foreign and domestic policies as well. There never was an Arab Palestinian state in the Holy Land and all the land west of the Jordan River was originally earmarked for the Jewish state under the Balfour Declaration exactly 100 years ago. That plan was adopted by the Allied powers and the League of Nations in 1920 and 1922.

... For the next 95 years the Arab agitators waged jihad and every modern American president has cowered in the face of jihad. The entire purpose of the agreement on Palestine [which was a Jewish, not Arab term, harkening back to the days of Roman emperor Hadrian] was to give the land only to the entity that would protect the holy sites and civil rights, yet global elites here and abroad rewarded Arabs for violating the agreement.

Violence, indeed, does pay and did pay off for the jihadists. Commensurate with every threat of violence was a demand that Jews pay tribute in the form of blood or surrender.

After 95 years, Trump has righted a wrong and restored the original intent of a unanimous body of Congress in 1922. Heading forward, it’s important for Trump to surround himself with those who share his views and that he not back down in the face of the century-old Arab tactic of threatening violence.

Although he promised to move the embassy, it’s clear that the State Department will undermine him. And his own appointees – State Sec. Rex Tillerson and Defense Sec. James Mattis – opposed even the Jerusalem announcement.

Trump was right to acknowledge the failure of past pathetic policies and the need for new thinking. He can truly be a transformational president if he fixes the personnel problems and commits to translating his rhetoric into policy outcomes by paying attention to details of our broader failed foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Finally, this should be a first step in abandoning the entire notion of having jihadists govern Judea and Samaria, and instead fulfill the original Mandate for Palestine. To quote Congressman Chandler from his 1922 speech, “The Greeks have Greece. Let us give Palestine back to the Jews.”
Though this is the beginning of righting a wrong that's to be celebrated by the faithful for sure, this shifting tide also calls for even those of a more secular nature, particularly within Jerusalem's own streets, to bend a knee and give thanks to the Almighty. Remember, He will not abandon His chosen.

Related link: Levin torches hypocrite Dem flip-floppers on Jerusalem

UPDATES: Sticking to our proverbial guns is the RIGHT thing to do here, and perhaps it's time to defund this dysfunctional body...

Related links: UN voted to condemn the US for Jerusalem recognition, but here are the nine countries that voted with the US
Netanyahu just responded to the ‘preposterous’ UN resolution – [VIDEO]
Nikki Haley To UN: Take Your Condemnation and Shove It