Friday, February 10, 2017

Price now in position to dismantle Obamacare

Warm up the shredder!
FoxNews: Tom Price was sworn in to lead the Department of Health and Human Services after winning Senate confirmation early Friday morning, placing him in position to lead the way in dismantling Obamacare.

It was the Senate's fourth consecutive contested vote for a Trump Cabinet secretary. Partisan battles for Cabinet posts are usually rare, but the first weeks of Trump's presidency have seen little collegiality between the two sides.

Price is a veteran House member and orthopedic surgeon who Republicans call a knowledgeable pick for the job. ...

On his first day in office, Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to pare back elements of ObamaCare that do not require a congressional vote, The Wall Street Journal reported. Price is expected to follow through on the order.
Don't give in to the ridiculous Democratic scare tactics. Rip the HELL out of this government takeover! Restore free market solutions, promote a variety of plans, expand HSAs, create larger pools across state lines, enable competition among insurance companies, push through tort and entitlement reforms, defund Planned Parenthood, rejuvenate medical innovation, and finally, do what everyone wanted in the first place, tackle the rising costs of procedures and prescriptions!