Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The freedom of Chick-fil-A

It's Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day!

Just got back from my local Chick-fil-A, and man, was it PACKED! Americans are coming out in droves to support the right of a private business owner to hold his own personal beliefs, shared by the majority of Americans, but that happen to run contrary to a manufactured political agenda.

ItMakesSenseBlog: Today, the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain is under attack, not because of discrimination at its hundreds of locations, but because of the beliefs of its president, Dan Cathy, that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

These beliefs are part of his Christian faith. If a person, group or compa­ny chooses not to do business with or even boycott an entity because of its stance on a particular subject, that’s great — it’s the American way.

But something else is hap­pening here. Certain govern­ment officials...have said they want to ban Chick-fil-A. The issue here is not the action of the company or even of Cathy, but their beliefs.

That piece goes on to compare the same kind of fascistic attitude of the HHS mandate being imposed on religious institutions that went into effect today.

Folks, this assault is yet anther display of liberal fascism at it's most blatant. And the People of this nation have had enough! The First Amendment still guarantees our freedom of religion. There's nothing in there that states appendages of the government can usurp that right when it sees fit to force other divergent beliefs on its people.

While Chick-fil-A itself is a microcosm of what is right in our country (i.e., entrepreneurship, success, principle), this nonsensical controversary that's bubbled up around it represents everything wrong with our society. Respect, tolerance and acceptance is a two-way street, my friends...and although it's not surprising, it's nonetheless telling as to whom the practitioners of intolerance are. I really like the way another blogger summarized it:

The 'It’s Wrong to Say Someone’s Wrong' fallacy is slowly destroying our culture from the inside. When it comes to moral issues, somebody has to be wrong and somebody has to be right. Without this concept of antithesis, rational beings cannot hope to function. If you are of the persuasion that everyone can be right in their own way, I would ask you to earnestly and honestly pursue that idea to its logical end.

If it is bigotry to oppose someone on a moral issue, morality ceases to exist entirely. And if people are not permitted to speak against the grain on moral and societal issues, freedom of speech and expression are stifled and we are in danger of losing all checks on the power of the majority and of the government.

We as a society are far too quick to label minority causes as human rights issues, and I’m not just talking about gay rights. Let us not lose perspective on what it means to have, and to be denied, basic human rights.

What Obama's same sex marriage declaration (as well as the HHS mandate) has really exposed here is the continued culture war of secularists on religion and the beliefs of the faithful. So honestly, whose holding the prejudices here?

ADDENDUM: Man, Rev. William Owens is FIRED UP over this!

“The President is in the White House because of the civil rights movement, and I was a leader in that movement, and I didn’t march one inch, one foot, one yard for a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman. So the President has forgotten the price that was paid. People died or they suffered or they gave their blood to have equal rights in the United States. And for the homosexual community and for the President to bow to the money, as Judas did with Jesus Christ, is a disgrace and we are ashamed. We will not take it back. We will not back down. We are going to take action across this country to change the course that this President has us in.”

Can I get an AMEN!?

Actually, I think we got a MULTITUDE of them...

...and the various media outlets couldn't ignore it... matter how much some tried...

Here's a great message for Shemp!

...coverage continues to roll on...