Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Liberal fascism vs the language of liberty

Early in Tuesday's program, Mark Levin expanded on the contrast between this fascistic idea about wealth that the Democrats consistently echo, and the conservative philosophy of free markets by free people with less meddling from the governmental masterminds.

First, listen to the way the modern liberal speaks, from the totalitarian logic of one Democrat congressman (start @ 4:22 min.)...

"...if the Republican bill were to pass today, we'd be giving a $160 thousand tax cut to millionaires. I just don't think that makes any sense in this economy or any economy, quite frankly. To be a millionaire in this country, the greatest country the world has ever known, it's a privilege to live in this country, and I think most people get that. You know, the only countries that rival us in wealth creation are dictatorships, and unfortunately in those countries, you have to pick the right side. Here it doesn't matter; you can be green, purple, red or blue, Democrat or Republican. You work hard, you get ahead, you make a living and you contribute back to this country and make it a better country." the rabid statism of our current Democrat president, predating his 'you didn't build that' speech...(start @ 4:21 min.)

"...the money we are spending on these tax cuts for the wealthy is a major driver of our deficit, a major contributor to our deficit, costing us a trillion dollars over the next decade. By the way, these tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are also the tax cuts that are least likely to promote growth. So, we can’t afford to keep that up. Not right now. So I'm not proposing anything radical here..."

Everything about their ideology is radical! And according to such, they believe that not only is wealth a privilege, but it's one that an all-powerful government doles out. TheRightScoop explains Crowley's philosophy, and thus Obama's, very succinctly...

Crowley is making the typical Democrat argument that to continue the current tax code for all Americans is really giving a tax cut to the rich, which means it will cost the government money. But how would keeping the current tax rates the same for all Americans cost the government money? Well in reality, it won’t. But Crowley believes the government has a right to more of your money (especially if you are ‘rich’) and if we don’t change the law to make you pay more, then he believes that government isn’t getting money that rightfully belongs to the government. Thus, it’s costing the government money.

In other words, when they say things like "we'd be giving," or "the money we are spending," or "costing us," they mean that they've already allotted your money for their future spending, so the money that "you contribute," regardless of income level, is already spent. They see your wealth, however great or small, as theirs to plunder.

Also just keep in mind, that 2% of the wealthiest Americans that Obama and the rest continue to target, that he claims if they receive tax cuts "is a major driver of our deficit,"...yeah, in the total scope of the deficit, that covers only about 8%. What is the major driver of our debt is governmental spending, which he's quadrupled down on with his leftist agenda before even attempting to address our ailing economy and year-after-year ballooning deficits.

Now contrast these arguably fascistic perspectives with what the man whose birthday we celebrated yesterday taught us...first, why this 'tax the rich' mentality will never work, and why impoverishment is actual a result of the failure of government...

...then secondly, how all too often, those who might be well-intentioned (or otherwise) end up creating tyrannical results quite opposite of the very thing that they claim they're trying to fix. In this piece, Friedman also reminds us of the deceptive language of these politicians who masquerade their own interests in the guise of the public's well being...

That last piece is so accurately descriptive of the modern statist Democrat, as well as too many establishment go-along Republicans, to a tee.

You see, the Crowley's and Obama's of America's ruling class can continue to point the finger at the opposition party, at those evil rich (which is more of a commentary on themselves than others), at independent wealth, in attempts to stir up class envy and other detrimental emotions, but We the People cannot continue to swallow the narrative that it's always for our betterment. On the contrary, they stir the pot to advance their own agendas...just listen to what and how they're saying it. We must learn from men like Friedman and Levin, learning to recognize and understand the politicians' language of deceit, while countering it with the language of liberty.