Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rush & Levin explore the Romney/Paul alliance

Rush led his program this morning with the obvious from last night's debate: the Romney/Paul alliance...

Quick question: Aren't we all going to have to be 'team players' once this primary process is over, regardless of the candidate with all their strengths and weaknesses, if we want to get Obama out of office? But I digress...

Now, Levin is going on the offense tonight, looking closer at the Romney/Paul alliance, as well as delving into deeper analysis of Paul's embrace of radical libertarianism and how this odd marriage with the Republican establishment aims to chip away at conservatism. This is VITAL info, folks!

Past clips from Paul:

Past clips from Romney:

Here's that quick question once again, via Levin, to Romney: "If you are the Republican nominee, do you want all the rest of us to be a 'team player'?" Levin also has a few other substantive questions for establishment members...

Romney and Paul...what an odd alliance, indeed.

Check here for all of Levin's sources.