Here's what the Obama administration doesn't want to tell you.
Thursday morning, the CBO released that real unemployment has hit 15%!
“The rate of unemployment in the United States has exceeded 8 percent since February 2009, making the past three years the longest stretch of high unemployment in this country since the Great Depression. Moreover, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent until 2014. The official unemployment rate excludes those individuals who would like to work but have not searched for a job in the past four weeks as well as those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time work; if those people were counted among the unemployed, the unemployment rate in January 2012 would have been about 15 percent. Compounding the problem of high unemployment, the share of unemployed people looking for work for more than six months—referred to as the long-term unemployed—topped 40 percent in December 2009 for the first time since 1948, when such data began to be collected; it has remained above that level ever since.”
Also, the Washington Times reported earlier this week on Gallup's numbers that also contradict the BLS official release:
"Gallup released new information on Monday showing that the unemployment rate has managed to creep back up to 9.0 percent. Gallup gathers daily unemployment information of U.S. adults in the workforce, ages 18 and older, who are underemployed, unemployed, and employed full-time for an employer. However, unlike the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report that the administration cites, Gallup's data are raw numbers and not packaged with seasonal adjustments. With seasonal adjustments, BLS shows the unemployment rate at 8.3 percent. Gallup also shows the underemployment rate is at 19.2%."
No, they couldn't be lying to us in Barry's reelection year, now could they? Well, combine that with a Rasmussen poll (Rasmussen, what tha...) released this morning stating 52% say it’s better for GOP to work with Obama than stand on principle (I know, WTF?!), and it's looking like once again, El Rushbo told us so:
This is what I warned you about back on December 20th.
RUSH ARCHIVE: I have warned you this kind of thing is going to happen. The unemployment number is going to precipitously drop and it's going to get close to 8% by next November. Just mark my words. That's in the can. It's in the cards. Also, Obama's approval number now is up five points over the last three months or some such thing. So here we go. Approval number is up. I'm just warning you now not to get dispirited. I'm warning you now not to think that the actual emotion or passion for changing course, defeating Obama, repealing Obamacare, it is ratcheting up. It's not weakening. It's not tiring. It's not getting lazy. People are not giving up, but you are not gonna see that evidence. You're not gonna see evidence of that passion or energy that you have and that your fellow citizens have for change. You're not gonna see it. What you're instead going to be told is that, "Wow, look at Obama's approval numbers -- wow. And unemployment, look at the number, coming down, oh, it's all coming together." That's gonna be combined with Obama, as he's saying now, as I predicted he would say, "It's worse than we thought it was. They didn't tell us how bad it was."
Folks, don't be dispirited, don't lose your resolve. This is all by design by a desperate man in a desperate party through a desperate media. If you dig around, though it may be buried beneath the main headlines splashed out there for the masses, you can still find the reality of our condition.
"You would think, folks, that it's 2008 again and we're dealing with The Messiah and all is lost. But it isn't the case. Everything is happening according to predictable plan. Folks, I am not a seer. I'm not Nostradamus. I just know liberals. That's all. I'm able, on December 20th, to tell you what is going to be in the news on February 16th because I know liberals, because I know the media. I don't have any clairvoyant talents or abilities; I just know liberals, and, if I can predict it back on December 20th, what it means is I can predict manipulation. I can predict how they are going to be acting. Nobody can predict what's actually going to be happening in the real world the next day or the next week, but you can predict what liberals are gonna do, regardless what reality is." ~ Rush Limbaugh
And I didn't even mention rising gas prices that may soon reach $4! Perhaps Americans are finally starting to wake up to the reality of this President. I'd certainly like to think that's reflective in the latest Gallup presidential approval poll that has Obama dropping to 43%, which is still too high in this bloggers opinion.