Monday, February 6, 2012

America's 'second half'...or Obama's, Clint? (UPDATES)

Catch that Chrysler re-election ad last night during the Super Bowl?

TheRightScoop recognized it right off the bat: a glorification of the bailout of Chrysler:

EASTWOOD: "The people of Detroit know a little something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together, now Motor City is fighting again."

We didn’t "pull together." The Obama administration wasted billions of taxpayer dollars bailing out Chrysler who couldn’t even pay all of it back. Out of a 14 Billion loan, taxpayers lost over 6 Billion dollars in the end.

Considering this administrations favoritism towards the crony alliance between public sector unions, chosen corporations, and Big Government, I'd also add that it sounded much like a stump speech to forget about how destructive this administration has been for the private sector...

EASTWOOD: "All that matters now is what’s ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And how do we win? Detroit is showing us it can be done... Yeah, it's halftime, America. And our second half is about to begin."

All it was missing is, "I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message."

UPDATES: Eastwood spoke exclusively with an O'Reilly Factor producer, saying that the commercial was "meant to be a message just about job growth and the spirit of America," and that he's "certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama." However, "If Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it." Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod tweeted his support for the ad Sunday night. Peculiar.

And Tuesday morning, Rush parodied what he expected to hear...CLASSIC!

And by Wednesday, another parody had popped up...this one's a collaborative effort between Remy and