Thursday, December 3, 2020

The President's most important speech...

“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
We knew, he knew, and they knew, when mention of it began in March, that unsolicited mail-in voting would provide cover for the most massive election fraud in American history. And we knew as the President states, "these destructive changes to our election laws were NOT a necessary response to the pandemic," but simply gave Dems an excuse to do what they've been trying to do for years. Add Dominion to the equation, and the deal was sealed. The plan was all set to steal the election no matter what the outcome. Joe Biden confirmed it when he said, "I don't need your vote," and that memorable Freudian slip about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics.” So though the media want to collectively silence any mention of it, leaving the tech tyrants to help censor the President's call for election integrity, the fraudulence MUST be exposed and accountability must be held for the sake of our Republic, lest we resume our demise like Rome...

"This may be the most important speech I've ever made...."

Best economic recovery ever, record unemployment and opportunity for minorities, energy independence achieved, peace breaking out in the Middle East, strengthened alliances with out allies...the list goes on and on of achievements, both foreign and domestic, that would under any normal circumstances attest to a second term, easily. Election integrity may be the biggest battle of the Trump presidency, and that's why we must continue to FIGHT to right this grave injustice, not just for his sake, but to preserve the future of our American way, because it's survival is very much at stake.

Related links: American Coup: This Was Not Just Voter Fraud Out Of Philly – It’s A Coup By The Oligarchy
Election 2020, the Democrats’ Final Coup d'état
What Life Will Be Like When the Democrats Win the 2020 Election

5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms
The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up