Monday, December 21, 2020

Latest revelations at the end of a rotten year...

Before we even get to Christmas, let's just get the year-end pissers out of the way, shall we? Starting with the one that's plagued us all year...

We discovered last week that the AMA quietly gave the unofficial go-ahead for a certain off-label treatment's usage towards COVID just days before the 2020 general election. Yeah, the same treatment-that-can't-be-spoken-of-without-social-media-censorship that many of us have been on board with since March/April... just wasn't in the political cards to keep folks out of hospitals and potentially save more lives... the powers that cheat were only seeing Orange...
The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize HCQ might have benefit in certain patient groups or were they lying for the past year? How many individuals died as a result of being denied potential lifesaving treatment?
Great piece from a physician by the way, well worth the read, but here's the takeaway...
Quietly at the end of October, the AMA issued a new statement, conveniently overlooked by the media, giving the green light to doctors prescribing HCQ to their COVID patients.
RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in the disease course.

An updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the earliest stage of COVID-19.
What changed since last spring? How many COVID deaths could have been prevented if doctors, using their professional and clinical judgement, could have prescribed HCQ without fear of ostracization or loss of their jobs? ...

There have been 187 hydroxy studies, 122 of which were peer-reviewed. 100 percent of these studies reported positive effects for early treatment of COVID, meaning, for those not yet in the hospital, and certainly not on a ventilator. These studies were performed and reported this year, while the AMA stayed mum, standing by their admonition against HCQ, until their “oh by the way” report at the end of October.
Hippocratic whosit? Shhh... election, Orange Man Bad... politics over pulses...
We will never know how many individuals could have been kept out of the hospital, ICU, or morgue if HCQ was used early in the disease course. Most medical miracles are due to outside the box thinking, using an approved drug in a new way. That’s the scientific approach, weighing risks and benefits, marching forward with modifications based on early results.

Instead, the AMA threw cold water on HCQ, joined by a medical establishment and media eager to ruin physicians’ careers if they challenged the dogma and dared promote HCQ.

The AMA played footloose with science and the truth. Some may call that lying and all for political purposes. Meanwhile people died. All to influence an election and depose the tweeting Orange Man in the White House.
The good doctor capped that piece off with a clarification about how the resolution to retract the earlier stance against usage was introduced in October, then went mum until the AMA's November meeting where the AMA declined to consider the resolution, thus keeping the original resolution against in place, "much like a court declining to hear a case rather than ruling on the merits of the case."

I wish I could stop there, but then this week we learned of another study on asymptomatic transmission, or lack thereof, that all from the dictatorial pro-COVID lobby won't talk about, because they sure as hell don't won't you to know... you know, when ceding so much individual liberty to them, of course they never wanna let go!
Make no mistake: there are people out there who love COVID, people who view it as manna from Heaven, people who can't get enough of COVID and would extend it forever and ever. ... This may be why a gargantuan study on COVID transmission by asymptomatic individuals, from the city of Wuhan, China, is getting no attention, at least not here in the States.

According to the American Institute of Economic Research:
In this case, the carrier of rationality is a gigantic study conducted in Wuhan, China, of 10 million people. The article appears in Nature Communications, published November 20, 2020.

The conclusion is not that asymptomatic spread is rare or that the science is uncertain. The study revealed something that hardly ever happens in these kinds of studies. There was not one documented case. Forget rare. Forget even Fauci's previous suggestion that asymptomatic transmission exists but not does drive the spread. Replace all that with: never. At least not in this study for 10,000,000. ...
The World Health Organization has also found as much, noting that asymptomatic spreading is extremely rare. ...
AIER notes:
We keep hearing about how we should follow the science. The claim is tired by now. We know what's really happening. The lockdown lobby ignores whatever contradicts their narrative, preferring unverified anecdotes over an actual scientific study of 10 million residents in what was the world's first major hotspot for the disease we are trying to manage. You would expect this study to be massive international news. So far as I can tell, it is being ignored.
Related link: Dr. Deborah Birx Applied COVID Holiday Travel Restrictions to a Nation of Proles, Then Ignored Them Herself

By design... pretty sure if I had a 'u', I could make an anagram that spells Biden guys! They certainly don't want this information in the mainstream. Their ill intent is meant to be widespread, as their guy continues to fearmonger, warning that the 'darkest days' of the pandemic are ahead... boogie, boogie, boogie! It's not just a feeling, this is the villainy you've suspected...
The Chinese study is by far the biggest, but there are numerous other indicators suggesting the same, as the WHO official's statement indicates. The evidence is even empirical: how many of us have gone to Walmart, Costco, or Target, wearing our flimsy masks, and catching nothing? We have been doing this for months, and just the law of averages would suggest we should eventually get it. But there really aren't any cases that I know about where it happened. Stores, not wanting bad publicity about super-spreader events, have forced customers to wear masks and kept people with symptoms out. That mere experience would empirically confirm the Wuhan study, too.

It not only shows that the extended lockdowns have been a waste, but confirms the villainy of the Democrat officials who insisted on lockdowns and continue to vow to extend them. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Phil Murphy, Tom Wolf, I'm talking about you. Like three-card monte operators, they always have a new excuse to extend the lockdowns, while many have not followed them themselves. What it's looking more and more like is a bid to destroy America's entrepreneurial small business class, an important driver of America's phenomenal growth; a leg up for the poor, the immigrant, and the less educated; and a reliable source for Republican votes. These creatures are villains, the people who love COVID, the COVID lobby. It's time to put them out of business.
That's becoming harder to shut them down, when the Big Guy trying to 'steel our spines' is stealing an election... which brings us to more revelations in that regard...

We can just get this one started with the actual President...
And now pivoting to what will be the biggest sham 'leader' if this crap stands, one can easily look at a few viral memes going around and see this for what it is... starting with record low counties won...
...a series of memes are going around showing just how unbelievable Biden's numbers are. The starting point is a November 10 preliminary report from the Brookings Institution. Immediately upon learning about the report, Students for Trump put out an Instagram poster with those rough data:

The same article explains that, according to the Brookings Institution’s December 8 final report, Biden’s 81,282,903 votes came from 509 counties (that’s 16.7% of America’s) counties. Meanwhile, Trump, who incontestably won 74 million votes (and probably many more), won 2,547 counties. In other words, the earlier numbers were almost accurate, so the core point is unchanged. As even USA Today concedes,
Biden won 16.7% of counties with finalized results. That represents a record-low proportion for a winning presidential candidate.
Again, at this point, a true Biden believer could say that one shouldn’t confuse thousands of barely populated counties with the vastly populated urban counties Biden won. That’s almost a decent point, except that the USA Today article added an interesting tidbit:
Obama set the previous record in 2012 – with 689 counties, equal to 22%. Before that, he also set a record in 2008 with just 28% of counties, per NBC News.
The article tries to make it sounds as if Biden is just doing what Obama did. There's a vast difference, though, between Obama having won 22% and 28% of counties and the 16% of counties in which Biden allegedly prevailed.
...and now segueing to the charisma and enthusiasm factors, or rather lack thereof...
Just as importantly, there’s a vast difference between Obama, a charismatic new face who became the nation’s first Black president, and a doddering, corrupt old man who’s been around 47 years, has a record of lies and meanness, and a history of terrible political decisions.

And then there’s that enthusiasm factor. Democrats try to say that people hated Trump so much that 81 million got out there to vote for Biden, but that’s awfully hard to believe considering that Trump was recreating his economic miracle, that his party’s rank and file support him strongly (and still do), that he enlarged his base (including adding many Democrats), that his standing with blacks and Hispanics rose significantly, that his approval rating was roughly equal to Obama’s in 2012 (despite the relentlessly negative press, including calling him a murderer), that he swept Evangelical voters and that voter enthusiasm for him far outweighed enthusiasm for Biden.

All those facts led to this poster which, while based on Brookings’ rough numbers, is still close enough to reality – and what a reality. It shows in strong visual terms how ludicrous it is to pretend that Biden won, even if he did sweep some of the nation’s more populous counties:

Trump won, and he won big — and Biden cheated. Some facts just can't be denied.
That picture is worth millions of words. Even if the Court doesn't wanna be bothered to do its job, before or after the holidays, to simply HEAR the merits of a multitude of mounting evidence, as the piece concludes, "Some facts just can't be denied." Regardless of the outcome in January, these investigations must continue right alongside suits filed, forcing the Court to rule on the matter, so that this level of fraud can NEVER occur again.

And in that same Trump address from earlier today, we reflect on the most recent pisser of the year's end: the Porkulus.

Dems and Establishment Repubs tried to call this a 'COVID relief bill' when it's combined omnibus is chalk full of PORK, and voted on it last night without even given a chance to read the damn thing... we're back to this crap before the reins are even turned over! Senators Lee and Cruz warned last night...
Trump blasted the COVID relief bill passed by Congress, demanding that they amend it to give the American People MORE money, compared to what their doling out to foreign countries and other assorted entities...
Like Levin always says, "Republicans spend like drunken Democrats, and Democrats spend like drunken Marxists!" Now many on both sides are holding hands and locking arms as they march us closer towards the fiscal cliff.

Related link: Rand Paul releases his Waste of 2020 report and there are some real DOOZIES

What I've laid out here may appear to be three separate things, but in many ways, whether it's suppressing accurate information in dealing with Covid, or laying out yet more evidence that points toward an inevitable electoral fraud, or going through the trillions of dollars being doled out in this crippling spending bill, it all relates in one respect: control. The effort is to strip it from the citizenry, and hand it over to the bureaucratic masterminds, toppling our country and upending our world as we know it... reminiscent of that Matrix scene...

Not to distract from the blessed holiday that's about to be upon us, but something to certainly keep in mind for the future following. If we want to combat any and all of this wicked recklessness, we have to figure out our ground game, because the Left never ceases to push. We MUST push back for our sovereignty, for our progeny, for our lives.

Related link: Ted Cruz has a plan to keep Biden from rejoining disastrous Iran deal and Paris climate accord, but he needs Trump’s help…