CBSNews: South Carolina Rep. Tim Scott, R-S.C., has been appointed by Republican Gov. Nikki Haley to the Senate seat now held by Republican Jim DeMint. DeMint is leaving the Senate at the end of the year to run the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation.
Like DeMint, Scott is a tea party-backed conservative who sought repeal of the national health care law. A vocal critic of President Obama, he has said it would be "an impeachable offense" if Mr. Obama raised the debt ceiling without congressional approval.
Of course, Leftist heads are spinning and spewing with cries of 'token black' and 'house negro'...ahh, nothing like liberal tolerance.
As always, WeaselZippers zings this one, "A Republican female governor of Indian descent appointing a Republican black man to serve in the Senate, but don’t worry, we’re still a racist party or something. But unlike the Dems, at the end of the day we don’t care what the color of their skin is."
But...for those keeping score:
- Tim Scott will be the only black person in the U.S. Senate.
- Tim Scott will be South Carolina's first black senator.
- Tim Scott will be the nation's 7th black U.S. Senator (breaking the tally 4 of 7 for Republicans)
I'd call that historic.