Monday, December 3, 2012

Obama's borrowed more than all presidents combined

Is this even news anymore, or just an 'I'd guess that' statistic? If it were any other president, especially a Republican one, we'd hear about this devastation daily from a press that insisted on caring...instead, these numbers must be racist!

CNSNews: The federal government has now borrowed more money during Barack Obama’s time as president than it did in the period lasting from the time President George Washington took the oath office until July 2, 2001, more than five months into the first term of President George W. Bush.

At the close of business on Jan. 20, 2009, when President Barack Obama was inaugurated, the national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the Treasury. At the close of business this Thursday, it stood at $16,323,083,449,604.98.

That means the debt has increased $5,696,206,400,691.90 during Obama’s presidency.

The Census Bureau estimated in September that there were 114,916,000 households in the United States. That means that the $5,696,206,400,691.90 the Obama administration has borrowed in the name of U.S. taxpayers now equals about $49,568 per household.

Sure, Bush knelt down and lent him a boost off his back, but Obama's been accelerating upwards ever since and still shows no sign of coming down. This is what Obama's built in under four years, folks. With this momentum, you can guarantee the country will hit every cliff and protrusion on the way down over the next four.