Save us from Piers Morgan, Chuck Woolery!
Picking up from Levin's education on your right to bear arms...back in November, former gameshow host, and now adamant liberty advocate, Chuck Woolery, discussed the need for Americans to have the right to bear arms...even those the Left wants to label 'assault weapons'. Chuck makes some excellent points...
Unfortunately, you've got folks, like Piers Morgan, who have, as theRightScoop puts it, 'so convinced himself of his ‘morally superior’ position that he can’t even have a debate on gun control without yelling, interrupting, and insulting his opponents.' I do however think his guest Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, handled Morgan fairly well...
Here's some additional info that folks like Piers might not get...not that they'll listen to reason at this point, but for those who will...
Some common media misnomers/promulgations about guns:
- Semi-Automatic vs. Automatic
Semi-automatic firearms are so common, talking about them as something special would be as nonsensical as saying an automatic transmission in a car is really something unique. Also, semi-autos are not machine guns. If you fire one bullet with one trigger pull, and don't need to do anything to fire the next one with another trigger pull, you've got yourself a semi-auto. If you fire multiple bullets with one trigger pull, you've got yourself an automatic (aka, machine gun). Examples of non-semi-autos would be pump-action shotguns or muzzle-loading rifles/muskets.
- Definition of "Assault Weapon"
What is an assault rifle? Is it a gun that fires a .223 round? Well that could be an AR-15 or a simple Winchester hunting rifle (they're not all scary looking sniper rifles like some would have you believe). Is it a gun that can fire without being cocked between each round? Well, as discussed in above, that's most guns today. The problem is, there is no one definition of a "assault weapon." It can be anything anyone could use to assault someone with. And that's the problem.
- "You don't need an AR-15 to kill a deer."
You're more right than you know, but probably not in the way you think. The typical caliber used by an AR-15 is .223 (discussed above). The .223 in hunting is considered a varmint round (aka, rodents). To kill a deer, you'd typically need something MORE POWERFUL. In Virginia, it's actually illegal to hunt deer with .223 caliber rifles because they aren't reliable enough to kill a deer.