History has such a strange way of repeating itself...sometimes within our own lifetimes. Listen to these familiarities...
You know, the first Republican President once said, "While the people retain
their virtue and their vigilance, no Administration by any extreme of wickedness
or folly can seriously injure the Government in the short space of four years."
If Mr. Lincoln could see what's happened in these last three and a half years,
he might hedge a little on that statement. But with the virtues that are our
legacy as a free people and with the vigilance that sustains liberty, we still
have time to use our renewed compact to overcome the injuries that have been
done to America these past three and a half years.
First, we must overcome something the present Administration has cooked up: a
new and altogether indigestible economic stew, one part inflation, one part high
unemployment, one part recession, one part runaway taxes, one part deficit
spending seasoned with an energy crisis. It's an economic stew that has turned
the national stomach.
Whether reading before or after this statement, and throughout Reagan's 1980 acceptance speech, it's amazing how much applies to the state of the current administration when simply replacing 'Carter' for 'Obama' and 'billions' for 'trillions'.
Carter didn't work then, and Obama doesn't work now. It's time for a new direction...