Friday, October 12, 2012

Swing states breaking towards Romney/Ryan ticket

Who's smiling now?

Tampa Bay Times/Bay News 9/Miami Herald poll (FLORIDA): The survey conducted this week found 51 percent of likely Florida voters supporting Romney, 44 percent backing Obama and 4 percent undecided. That's a major shift from a month ago...

McLaughlin & Associates poll (VIRGINIA): According to a McLaughlin & Associates poll that had an R+.02 sample, Romney leads Obama in Virginia 51%-44%. Among independents, Romney beats Obama by 11 points, 50%-39%.

And TheHill reports that a prominent pollster is pulling out of Florida, North Carolina and Virginia because Obama can't win there!
Suffolk University pollster David Paleologos, whose polls are aggregated into mainstream averages to show where the presidential race stands in the swing states, said he’s finished polling in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia because President Obama has no shot of winning those states.

H/T Rush