Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Benghazi on Capitol Hill

There's nothing shocking about Obama campaign hacks covering for this administration's repeated lies about the consulate attack in Benghazi (i.e., Gibbs defending Rice); nor is there any surprise in congressional Dems trying to blame Republicans for the attack (i.e., Cummings and Holmes-Norton attacking Chaffetz). What is astonishing is when you see a prominent member of the mainstream press hammer WH spokeshole Jay Carney over Obama's repeated claims that the attack was the result of a little known internet video..."Didn't President Obama 'shoot first and aim later'?"

In another exchange, Carney was flat out caught in his lie, as BuzzFeed points out between what he's saying now...

10/10: "I never said, I never said we don't know if it's terrorism."

...and what he said then...

9/14 in response question if it was a terrorist attack: "We don't have and do not have concrete evidence to suggest this was not in reaction to the film."

But Carney insists he's not lying, it was just 'bad intel'. Rush discussed this outrageous excuse, among other aspects of this scandal, earlier in the day. But today's discoveries surrounding the Benghazi cover-up weren't simply confined to the Carney barker. No, there was MUCH learned on Capitol Hill as well.

There was the stunning revelation that Ambassador Stevens was guarded by a single Libyan security officer, who fled immediately after the assault began...

Equally astonishing was the testimony of a former Libyan regional security officer who said the most frustrating aspect of keeping the embassy secure was that "the Taliban is on the inside of the building" at the State Department.

Also, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood made it explicitly clear that the attack on the consulate was "instantly recognizable to me as a terrorist attack," and not based on some internet video..."We were the last flag flying; it was a matter of time."

But no, we still have pukes, like Dennis Kucinich, who continue to solely blame America over their dear friends, the Islamists...

Levin weighed in this evening, discussing not only Barack and Hillary's cover-up, but also pointing to the only person that got it right from the start...

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the new developments coming out regarding the Libya and Egypt embassy attacks. The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton are involved in a cover-up and purposely used the Muhammad videotape as an excuse for the attacks and not the real reason. In the end, the only one that was right on the situation in the aftermath was Mitt Romney, and he was attacked from the media and the Administration. Mark says that if Obama had defended our Embassies as much as he's defending Sesame Street, maybe people wouldn't have been killed.

So all along, Romney was the only one responding presidentially in this critical situation, while Obama, Hillary, the Democrats, and even many of the usual RINOs on Capitol Hill were running in circles and spinning their wheels in political sensitivities and campaign dribble.

H/T: WeaselZippers