Monday, March 19, 2012

Ten constitutional violations of the Obama administration

I shared in the previous post how Obama's only just begun racking up massive national debt, but we should also be aware of another important beginning. And that is in the are of constitutional violations.

Let us count the ways...10 in fact, from Cato Institute's Ilya Shapiro, via the Daily Caller, of how the Obama administration has violated the Constitution. Keep in mind, although many are in litigation, these are only the one's Obama has managed to either coerce through legislative means or enact directly through executive fiat (and been allowed to get away with, thus far, with either weak or enabling opposition leadership)...this doesn't involve ongoing attacks in areas like 2nd Amendment gun rights or 10th Amendment state's rights, nor does this list make mention of the recently enacted HHS contraceptives mandate (although, that can be rolled into the overall individual mandate which is listed #1)...

1. The individual mandate
2. Medicaid coercion
3. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (a.k.a. “The Death Panel”)
4. The Chrysler bailout
5. Dodd-Frank
6. The deep-water drilling ban
7. Political-speech disclosure for federal contractors
8. Taxing political contributions
9. Graphic tobacco warnings
10. Health care waivers

Prior to delving into each one of these violations, Shapiro briefly discusses how the Constitution is "the font of all federal power."

Its carefully crafted structural provisions that we learned about in grade school, such as the separation of powers and checks and balances, are not merely an application of political theory.

“Federalism is more than an exercise in setting the boundary between different institutions of government for their own integrity,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for a unanimous Supreme Court earlier this year. “By denying any one government complete jurisdiction over all the concerns of public life,” Kennedy continued, “federalism protects the liberty of the individual from arbitrary power.” If the federal government acts outside the scope of its delegated and carefully enumerated powers, then it’s no better than an armed mob.

The Obama administration and its allies in Congress have perpetrated more than their share of such mob-like actions.

Dare I say that no longer, after barely over three years, can there be plausible, or reasonable, deniability of this administration's post-Constitutional, and thus post-American, attitude, direction or ultimate objective. It's past time to wake up, Americans...that is, if you want to remain such.