Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ruining America by the month

"Biden is destroying our national sovereignty, security, and fight against the pandemic by opening the borders, while simultaneously harming our energy independence and economy. He has weaponized the federal law enforcement bureaucracy against political opponents, and turned the military senior officers into political indoctrination and social justice activists. We are only 7 months into the Biden presidency, and the damage is profound and accelerating. It’s hard to imagine what will be in a year or two or three at this pace. Joe Biden may be an old fool, but what is happening is deliberate." ~ William A. Jacobson, The Biden Stain
Even with the fix in, we continued warning everyone, but the breakneck speed at which this illegitimate president has ruined America has nonetheless been astonishing...
We knew Biden was going to be bad but I don’t think anyone was prepared for how awful he’d actually be. When he took office, he was gifted with a COVID-19 vaccine, a recovering economy, a secure nation and world peace. In just 6 short months of his presidency, he’s managed to ruin all of that and more. Normally it takes a democrat a couple of years to cause this kind of damage but Biden is a highly-motivated America destroyer.

Here’s 6 Biden f*ck ups in 6 months occupying the White House:

1 – COVID-19: Biden ran almost entirely on his unique ability to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving out the part that he’d be doing it with the vaccine developed by Donald Trump. He promised us he’d kick corona’s ass in 100 days but here we are 6 months later and the only thing on the news is about the COVID-19 Delta variant ravaging the country. Biden is reimplementing mask mandates and another lockdown looms. If anything, COIVID-19 kicked Joe Biden’s boney ass.

2 – Gas Prices: Biden inherited an energy independent United States and promptly screwed that up by cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline and restricting oil drilling leases. The price of gasoline is at the highest level since the last time a democrat was in the White House. It’s so bad that Biden is begging OPEC to pump more oil in hopes of bringing prices down. American oil companies could be pumping that oil, which would generate income and jobs, but Biden would rather get it from the jihad cartel.

3 – Inflation: Even during the height of the pandemic, consumer prices remained relatively stable. Now that Biden has declared victory over the virus and the economic downturn, inflation is driving up prices at an unprecedented rate. Producer’s prices rose 7.8% in July which is the fastest rise in U.S. history. Higher producer prices means higher consumer prices because for some reason companies never eat it on added costs. Biden said all of his economic policies were to help the working and middle classes but when shit gets more expensive it’s these people who feel it the most.

4 – Border Security: Biden also inherited the most secure U.S./Mexico border in American history and killed that the first day in office. Reversing all of President Trump’s immigration policies, Biden opened up the border and put out the welcome mat. The surge of illegal immigrants into this country is unprecedented and overwhelming. Dovetailing with his COIVID-19 f*ck up, the alien invaders are infected and being distributed to communities all over the country.

5 – World Peace: The Trump administration not only didn’t get us involved in any new global conflicts, they brokered historic Middle East peace deals. With Biden’s foreign policy, the Gaza Strip has erupted in violence. Biden also began pulling troops out of Afghanistan and now the Taliban is retaking the country faster than a wildfire. Biden actually has to redeploy troops to Kabul to help evacuate the American embassy.

6 – Rule of Law: One of the biggest fake complaints against Donald Trump was that he didn’t respect our institutions or the rule of law. He never came close to violating the Constitution and you know that’s true because if he did, the democrats would have impeached him for that too. Biden was also a critic of Trump’s “lawlessness” but just last week he directed the CDC to make a law that he knows is an unconstitutional breach of the separation of powers.

Jimmy Carter wasn’t even this bad and he was the previous worst president in modern history. Biden told Jimmy to hold his beer and f*cked this country up in 6 months. There’s a pandemic without end, a crumbling economy, an alien invasion, a world on fire, and Joe’s wiping his ass with the Constitution.

Not that I believe for a second that 82 million people voted for this assclown but of the people who actually did cast a ballot for Biden, how many have buyer’s remorse?
And this latest debacle just piles on to his pattern of failures as his lawless administration completes its seventh month... yes, this level of decimation and not even a year!
President Joe Biden ran as a competent replacement for the more erratic approach of former President Donald Trump. But his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the latest in a number of failures, and they all trace back to the president himself.

Biden’s approval rating has finally dropped under 50% and is rapidly approaching his disapproval rating, which has now risen to 47.2% in the RealClearPolitics polling average. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted on Monday found Biden’s approval rating sat at 46%, a drop from a similar poll from the same outfit on Friday.

In just one weekend, Biden’s approval rating has crashed for overseeing what we have always been told is incredibly popular: U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden had been polling well on Afghanistan as recently as last month , with 55% approving his handling of the withdrawal in an ABC News/Ipsos poll.

Aside from the pandemic, where Biden’s approval rating is still over 50% (but still dropping ), Biden has botched every issue he’s touched. From the southern border to his refusal to encourage local leaders from his own party to treat crime seriously, Biden can’t point to a single success during his now 7-month-old presidency. Even his only notable legislative victory, the bloated stimulus bill, has had its own negative effects on inflation and unemployment.

We were told that “America is back.” Is this what American leadership is supposed to look like? Biden has taken responsibility for nothing. He belittled Afghan soldiers after he hung them out to dry, only for Afghan soldiers to continue to assist as Americans flee the country. He went on vacation rather than answer questions about this disaster, returning only to give a short speech about how this is everyone else’s fault. Thousands of Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan, and Biden's aides refuse to guarantee their safety.

Americans recognize that this is a failure, as polling shows. They also recognize that Biden is at fault. But it must be emphasized that this is exactly who Biden is. He has no answers for the problems the United States faces nor for the ramifications of his own failed policies and awful decision making. Biden was wrong about every major foreign policy decision for 40 years, but he is also wrong about every major presidential decision he has made since he was inaugurated.
Kabul is reminiscent of Saigon and shades of Benghazi, folks. God help those Americans stuck in that hellhole.

I know ALL of these things are in the Lord's Hands, but I pray he doesn't abandon our lost nation to even graver unfit ineptitude!

Related links: Pelosi Praises Biden as Kabul is in Chaos, Says President Should Be ‘Commended’
Left Behind: Billions in U.S. Equipment for the Afghanistan Taliban to Use Against... Us
Pelosi: Leaving Military Equipment Behind Is 'What Happens' in Withdrawal
Joe loses his grip on reality: claims 'no one is being killed' in Kabul airport chaos, says he can't 'recall' if he was told to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan

ADDENDUM I: From bad to worse is their trajectory...
They're doing it again—scrabbling through the dustbins of recent history in search of solutions that have never worked. The Bible says it best: "As dogs return to their vomit, so fools repeat their folly" (Proverbs 26:11).
If we take a closer look at the details of Biden's growing library of executive orders and proclamations, we see a sinister future for both the United States and the rest of the free world. Consider these two lists of radical changes in our nation's foreign and domestic policies:
Foreign Policy
  • Stopped building or maintaining the border wall
  • Implemented open borders for all, including Middle Eastern terrorists and Central American drug cartels
  • Restored Obama's nuclear deal with Iran
  • Ignored Trump's peace deals with Saudi Arabia, etc.
  • Restored U.S. support for the Paris Climate Accord

  • Domestic Policy
  • Kept Section 230 immunity for Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.)
  • Supported the 1619 Project in all schools and colleges to promote Critical Race Theory
  • Endorsed unlimited abortion, "sex change" procedures, and euthanasia
  • Raised the income tax on all millionaires to more than 40%
  • Shut down all fossil fuel production and replaced these energy sources with solar and wind power.
  • Whatever the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer triumvirate's future plans for global "equity" may be, their current policies are already disastrous. ...
    Just when we thought things couldn't possibly get worse, we now have Biden's calamitously botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. ... Reaching out to a contemporary (whose name must remain anonymous for his own protection), I elicited this response:
    My impression is that the whole process seems to suffer from poor decisions from the top. The president said there was no way to have conducted the draw down without chaos. ... Simple common sense says you take out the civilians and refugees first while the military is kept there in the necessary size force to maintain overall area control. ... but that is not how our leadership chose to proceed. ...

    Worse yet, it is reasonable to assume that, since the Taliban control all the country outside the one U.S.-controlled airport and since admittedly at least 15,000 personnel are under Taliban control, and since a smart enemy would realize they now have 15,000 hostages to bargain with, then they will not let any valuable assets return to the airport. They are too valuable as political prisoners. To give the enemy this advantage over us is beyond foolish.

    Although the news media will cover it up and try to make it seem reasonable, it is in fact foolish, given the history and motivational failures of which we had ample knowledge. This is like watching the mistakes made in the Vietnam draw down all over again, but this is much worse than the Vietnam situation. ...

    Finally, the world is watching us closely. Our allies, our enemies, our veterans, our citizens, if they are lucky enough to find out the truth, or even care, as they are distracted by the COVID-created diversion. Will we watch China take over Taiwan soon? I predict it will happen before November 2022.
    And our rightful President is proven correct yet again...

    Related links: Anonymous Billboard Advertiser Trolls Biden for Afghanistan Failure, Stranding of Americans
    Trump’s Alabama rally gave us a powerful phrase for the ages
    Video: Chuck Schumer and Stephen Colbert hoof around like elephants while Afghanistan burns
    Church and State − Not Church versus State

    ADDENDUM II: Wow... yep!
    Surrenderer-In-Chief: Joe Biden lied to America and to the World when he told us “America was back.” Instead, he surrendered to the Taliban, and left Americans behind to die in Afghanistan. It's time to KNOW the TRUTH!

    But a day later, they're back blazing a trail of destruction with another push for the Democrat Politician Protection Act! The authoritarians know no bounds & view these abject failures as achievements...