We are continually told that we are in a resurgent pandemic because of “the unvaccinated.” Yet this isn’t anywhere near being true. We know it is because natural immunity is working.We need to widen our perspective beyond the propaganda that's graduated to propagenda, and start considering all the options, especially the early ones that continue to be ignored, while acknowledging all the insidiousness of the masterminds...
Ask yourself, do you personally know of any single person who has gotten Covid-19, fully recovered, and gotten it a second time?
In October of 2020 the CDC announced that it anticipated that those who had previously been infected could likely contract Covid-19 a second time. Yet by February of 2021 the CDC could account for less than 60 cases of people who had previously had Covid-19, contracting it “again.” And I say “again” because they also seem to be unable to distinguish between a second contracting of the virus and whether or not how many of those cases might have been “long Covid” where symptoms lingered.
This all adds up to the role of natural immunity effectively working. The current blips in rising infection numbers isn’t a pandemic of the unvaccinated—being vaccinated isn’t the point. It’s a “crisis” of the non-immune—with two large groups of people being protected: the post infected and the 160+ million people who have been vaccinated.
But in order to control you and mask up your kids this fall they have to scare even the protected amongst us. Hence the term we started seeing everywhere a couple of weeks ago: breakthrough infections.
...your personal physician has more tools and knowledge to help an average person face a virus that is being survived by better than 98.9% of people who contract it.
The fallout for this fake science fear porn must be a clear message to the Democrats and the administration. They are using you. But only if you allow it. Don’t comply!
I do not minimize the harshness of COVID-19. It is a dangerous virus if left to flourish, especially in patients with advanced age and/or serious underlying conditions, including the immune compromised. That said, it is a mystery that our national policy for treating COVID is to inject experimental gene therapies when available, or else do nothing until the patient becomes so medically debilitated that he/she requires hospitalization, where, by that time, few therapeutics work, so ventilation is highly likely, resulting in 80-percent probability of death.And stop promoting the pervasive bigotry of the propagandists who'd continue to divide us...
Meanwhile, if a symptomatic COVID-positive person begins therapeutics early on, such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and several other provably successful FDA approved drugs (for illnesses other than COVID), augmented with vitamins D, K12, C, and Zinc, the notable efficacy and resulting recovery rate is well-documented worldwide. Yet the FDA refuses to give Emergency Use Authorization to these drugs as repurposed drugs for treatment of COVID. Why???
In some states, if doctors prescribe these very drugs to treat COVID, they are intimidated with threats, including the loss of their licenses, termination of their employment, and censorship if they dare share their findings. Meanwhile the only sanctioned treatment for COVID are three experimental gene therapies that are experiencing their own problems with efficacy. In what world is this not medical malfeasance on the part of the health establishment?
If you are diagnosed with COVID, vaccinated or not, would you not want your physician to prescribe medicines that have proven efficacy so you could minimize your suffering and enhance your chances for a swifter recovery? Of course you would. Yet this option is outside many Americans' reach. Why??? ...
There is a world of evidence submitted by eminently credentialed, highly esteemed medical and research professionals who are risking their own careers and reputations in an effort to save our sorry, assimilated, branch-covidian tushies. Herculean efforts by renowned professionals such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA technology), Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Robert Hodkingson, Dr. Peter Bragen, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Knut Wittowski, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Dr Richard Flemming (and that's barely a smattering) overwhelmingly support every element of contradictory evidence... Yet while the evidence persuasively negates the increasingly incoherent narratives and propagenda from most media, government, and health officials, most Americans blindly comply, putting themselves and their families at unnecessary risk.
Time to wise up, America. The stakes are too high to not at least consider there might be something to these COVID controversies. At the top of the list: Why are COVID health officials lobbying so hard to inject our still-developing children with experimental gene therapies?
It is finally time for all adults to take our heads out of our masks and start thinking again. Why are policy makers shutting down entire economies worldwide for a disease that is only lethal to 0.03 percent – or, put another way, that 99.97 percent of human beings survive? More people die in accidents every year, or from cancer, or fill-in-the-blank. Why are we not focusing on best protecting those at high-risk and modulating risk for the rest of humanity as appropriate?
It's time to stop playing defense. No more defending nonsense, no more accepting flimsy or no evidence for policies that do far more harm than COVID. ... No more blind trust in organizations that have a long history of deceiving the American people.
Stifling rational thought in favor of stimulating more emotional responses is the core mission of propagandists because it results in the granddaddy of desirable outcomes: chaos. Chaos, in turn, provides the fertile ground for the ultimate goal of advancing more centralized control. Edward Bernays made a career of exploiting this behavior modification, while Norm Chomsky made a career of explaining it.God help us to see and hear and help one another where the powerful divide.
Don't think pitting vaccinated people against unvaccinated people doesn't foster serious chaos. All manner of psycho-social engineering is strategically designed to systematically heighten fear. And people will predictably find release in blaming one party for the woes of the other. This model is chaos production at its finest. Be warned, this highly contrived divisiveness is born of animus, fueled by relentless fear, and can devolve into discrimination and hate speech. This is a manufactured construct that has no basis in medical science. Instead, is rooted in age-old toxicity of political science. Do not be fooled and extract yourself.
It is also classic propaganda in the style of Joesph Goebbels – Hitler's infamous propaganda czar and master of chaos who turned an entire continent against Jewish people. Goebbels' first round of psycho-social messaging targeted them as a contagion and dangerous health risk to the rest of the population. He used news broadcasts, movies, filmed speaking events, poster campaigns, books, newspapers, and public relations that set the devious standard in use today. Goebbels' most insidious campaign was force-tagging Jews with yellow stars on their arms to visually set them apart and trigger fear of their presence. Sound familiar?
Nothing on Earth is so negative as bigotry against cohorts of people that differ from some perceived norm. Abandon it while you can, because it will rot your soul.
Related links: How Following ‘The Science’ Left The Realm Of Science And Became A Religion
Panic Porn: Most Americans Now Believe the Worst of COVID Is Still Ahead of Us
Delta Variant: ‘Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science’
COVID Cases are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed
Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary
Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis: The most common adverse events reported so far
(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns
Panic Porn: Media Buried Key Detail About Florida Teachers Dying Of COVID