So the latest is to rail against any notion of voter identification on the one hand, using Georgia as a punching bag (because, you know, they already cheated twice to win that state, so they're supposed to own it now; and apparently certain demographics are clueless on how to obtain ID, even though they already have it), while on the other hand, they're beginning to rev up the demand for all to start showing your vax passport (note: an ID... "show us your papers!" ...pretty sure they were against that just a few short years ago as it pertained to proving legal immigration status). They say the first is for liberty, while the latter if for safety. Neither could be further from the truth. Obliviously racist on the frontend, and borderline communist on the back is probably a more accurate assessment.
Here's Team-Left's latest game, and subsequent backfire in a sane world...
When it comes to carrying identification, democrats are simply hypocrites.Piggybacking off of that perspective, Brandon Tatum asks, "Now who's the real racist?" as white libs seemingly can't wrap their heads around normal, responsible black folks with equal opportunities, oy...
While they largely oppose Georgia’s new election law requiring voter identification, dubbing it “racist,” many on team-left are gung-ho on creating a “vaccine passport” despite the actual vaccine hesitancy in black communities.
As reported by The Federalist, the Biden administration is supposedly working with private tech companies to create vaccine passes for Americans to use as proof that they’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine.
These “passports” will be required in order to gain access to certain services, like concerts or large gatherings.
While some states, like New York, are all for the idea, others, like Florida, have already taken swift action to denounce it due to privacy concerns and manipulation into participation in “normal society.”
These concerns, however, have not stopped a slew of other initiatives by organizations like the WHO and IBM from pushing for the collection of vaccination information in order to “return to normal.”
Meanwhile, team-left is spewing outrage against Georgia now requiring voter ID.
Democrats, activist groups and the mainstream media have cried racism, urging the law as a republican push to marginalize black voters. They claim that provisions in the new law – like requiring proof of identification with mail-in ballots, limiting the acceptance of absentee ballots to 11 days prior to the election and banning third parties using goods and gifts to appease voters at a polling place – make it more difficult for minorities to vote.
Even Joe Biden called it a “blatant attack on the right to vote, the Constitution and good conscience.”
“It’s Jim Crow in the 21st Century,” he said in a tweet.
However, the real racism exists within the idea of a vaccine passport.
Democrats have shown an overwhelming lack of concern that a passport would disproportionately discriminate against communities with high levels of vaccine hesitancy. While it is shrinking, there are still groups – like black Americans – that have high percentages of people who do not plan to be inoculated.
According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, only 55 percent of black adults said they received or planned to receive their vaccine.
Keeping this in mind, a passport could automatically exclude people from certain minority groups from getting back to semi-normalcy.
So, which form of identification is truly the racist one? The answer seems pretty clear.
Also check out:
Meanwhile, the satirical BabylonBee has had a field day over the past few weeks with the Left's double standards and foolishness on all of this... 😆
With a few headlines moving beyond satire that I honestly wouldn't put past these pinkos...
Related links: Democrats Propose Requiring Vaccine Passports For Voting
Dems: 'We Will Not Legitimize Georgia's Racist Election Law By Reading It To See What It Says'
Democrats Warn That If HR 1 Isn’t Passed, Republicans Could Win Some Elections