Donald Trump has been acquitted…AGAIN!The coup-toppled president issued a statement immediately following this unprecendented, unconstitutional and costly impeachment SHAM...
The second show trial of Donald Trump has come to an end. ...
The House impeachment managers folded Saturday morning and backed off witnesses after Trump’s legal team announced that Speaker Pelosi would be called in to testify.
The Democrats went straight to closing arguments because they have no case and they wanted to protect Nancy Pelosi.
Trump’s legal team absolutely destroyed the Democrats this week when they plated a video montage of Democrat lawmakers inciting violence against Trump supporters.
Trump issued a statement almost immediately, bashing the “witch hunt”, highlighting the many MANY hypocrisies and double standards America has witnessed by Democrats and the media through these proceedings, and promising to stay with Americans through the work ahead.
The real conviction here was of Democrats and the media. They convicted themselves.Related link: Trump Responds After Final Vote Cast in Impeachment Trial: 'A Sad Commentary on Our Times'
So now there's more than a few things that should be clear.
First, we've known that every single Democrat hypocrite in office is unreliable in every way, but we now know precisely which Republicans should be thrown the hell out of office. Not only do they need to be stripped of any and all committee memberships now, but they simply MUST BE PRIMARIED in the coming months and years, period!
10 House Benedicts:We well know that these are not all the turncoats and go-alongs who need to go (uhum, McConnell), but this is the list to absolutely start with during the next few years of primary seasons. A must, folks, an absolute MUST.7 Senate Arnolds:
- Liz Cheney of Wyoming
- Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
- Jamie Herrera-Beutler of Washington
- John Katko of New York
- Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
- Peter Meijer of Michigan
- Dan Newhouse of Washington
- Tom Rice of South Carolina
- Fred Upton of Michigan
- David Valadao of California
- Richard Burr of North Carolina
- Bill Cassidy of Lousiana
- Susan Collins of Maine
- Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
- Mitt Romney of Utah
- Ben Sasse of Nebraska
- Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
Secondly, the numerous court cases related to the massive fraudulence that took place in the 2020 presidential election throughout multiple states MUST press on, regardless of the media's participation or obfuscation...
The media in the United States is no longer interested in the truth. They are corrupted beyond belief. They used to be biased, now they are clearly dishonest. ...It's no longer about holding the office, but about getting to the TRUTH and preventing this travesty from occurring again in a few short years, lest we completely lose our lawful vestige of freedom in a democratic republic known as voting.
When looking at the number of cases related to the 2020 Presidential election that were decided on merits, there were only 21 cases decided so far. Of these cases, President Trump won 14. The President won 14 of 21 cases decided on merits which is two-thirds of the cases.
What the media doesn’t tell you and omits from their reporting is their greatest lie.
According to a list of all 2020 election cases related to President Trump found at the following link here:The report as of February 4th, 2021 shows:It is horrible that the courts have not made the cases related to the 2020 election a priority. The courts’ procrastination in addressing these important cases in a timely fashion was, and is, abhorrent.
There are 80 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
- In 28 cases President Trump was/is the plaintiff
- In 48 cases President Trump was/is not the plaintiff
- In 4 cases President Trump is the defendant
- 21 of these cases have been decided on merits
- Of the 21 cases decided on the merits, President Trump won 14 of them or two-thirds of the cases
- 25 cases remain active
There are still 25 cases to be decided related to the 2020 election.
They want to impeach something? How about we continue with the swamp known as DC?! It's why they hated Trump, and continue to do so, but it's also why we must continue with his mission. It is the only way to insure our liberties.