Friday, February 19, 2021

The irreplaceable Rush Limbaugh

"The day's gonna come, folks, where I'm not gonna be able to do this. I don't know when that is. I want to be able to do it for as long as I want to do it and I want you to understand that, even when the day comes, I'd like to be here. 'Cause I have this sense of needing to constantly show my appreciation for all that you have done and meant to me." ~ Rush Limbaugh

We knew it was coming, but we still weren't ready. The loan was passed back to the Almighty on Wednesday when Rush Limbaugh succumbed to a year-long battle with stage IV lung cancer. He was 70 years old. Rush's wife Kathryn made the announcement...

President Trump kicked off several interviews honoring a conservative stalwart and a broadcast pioneer...

Our People’s President reflects on his memories of our nation’s voice, Rush Limbaugh.

Among the many, many who joined in throughout the day, and days to come, of course included the Great One...
"I just want him to be remembered the way he should be remembered. A tremendous patriot of this country who refused to accept the attacks that came against this country from within. He refused to accept the ideological changes in this country. He defended the traditions of this country, and he spoke for tens of millions of us and, you know, I've met a lot of smart people in my life, dealt with a lot of smart people, never smarter than Rush, never wiser, and never kinder."

"Look, I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a mind reader, but I feel certain he would say, particularly to the young people today, 'Defend your country. Fight for your country. Speak out in smart ways. Learn the true history of your country. Many men and women have come before and died for this country. Don't be devoured by the neo-statist, neo-marxist left.' He would want others to carry the flag. He knew that the world didn't end with him, as we know the world doesn't end with each of us. He would want us all, ALL, to carry on and to save this great country and defend this great country. I'm telling you, I know that for certain. And he will be grievously missed."
Mark also shared a special tribute to the great El Rushbo on LevinTV (sounds as if Sunday's Life, Liberty & Levin will similarly reflect on Rush's lasting impact)...
Rush was a pioneer and leader in American media and the talk radio industry. He was a great patriot who loved our country, conservative ideals, and most of all, you the viewers.

Conservative columnist, author, attorney and younger brother, David Limbaugh, managed to muscle through a tweet about his dear brother...
By Friday, he began responding to the many expressions of sympathy, prayers, appreciation and love for Rush.

Also, Rush Limbaugh Show long-time producer James Golden (a.k.a. 'Bo Snerdley') honored his late friend and colleague on Hannity...
"Rush, to me, is a second-generation Founding Father. This went beyond radio; this went beyond politics. What Rush did for America, one man, changed so many trajectories in this country."
"Rush Limbaugh was one of the finest human beings that you would ever want to meet. A generous, wonderful, beautiful spirit. Humble, a gentlemen always. Never failed to thank people for the smallest service they could do for him. Never looked down on people."
His charity was nearly boundless, and in some cases you may not have even known it, as recently revealed by country music star John Rich following the news of Rush's death, telling a 10-year-old secret story about Rush helping kids with cancer. And there are many, many more like it.

The Good Lord really did break the mold with this irreplaceable servant, who will be sorely missed.

We can all recall that first time we heard Rush. Mine was as a boy riding down rural roads with my grandfather decades ago. But let me leave this post with Rush's final radio broadcast on February 2nd...

His final words on his radio show were, “Well, my friends, that’s it. Yet another excursion into broadcast excellence in the can. Enjoyed being with you today, always do. And look forward to the next time. Thanks to Mark Steyn who has been in standby mode all day. Wasn’t sure I was going to be able to go today and then each hour I had to assess. But we made it. Thank you Mr. Steyn. See you all next time.”
Well done, good and faithful servant.

Related links: Cancer-Stricken Rush Limbaugh's Final Post Called Out President Biden in a Big Way
“I Love You and Adore You Rush!” – Conservative Icon’s Little Brother David Limbaugh Breaks Silence After His Death

ADDENDUM: Jeffrey Lord published an excellent Farewell and thank you piece about Rush on Saturday entitled, Rush: The Substance And Music Of Conservatism, that's well worth the read, and this excerpt really stuck out for me...
As the Clinton era dawned at the end of 1992, Rush received this letter out of the blue:

Thanks for all you’re doing to promote Republican and conservative principles. Now that I’ve retired from active politics, I don’t mind that you have become the Number One voice for conservatism in our Country.

I know the liberals call you ‘the most dangerous man in America,’ but don’t worry about it, they used to say the same thing about me. Keep up the good work. America needs to hear ‘the way things ought to be.’

Sincerely, Ron”
Ronald Reagan knew a conservative leader when he saw one...
Yep, Reagan knew it, as did Trump. Rush exuded conservatism in context towards our better understanding and ultimately truth...
Critical to Rush was context. He wrote this in his last “Limbaugh Letter”:
“I’ve never forgotten for a moment that one of my self-assigned duties as your host is to unravel what the drive-by media is saying or ignoring. I provide critical context and background that the media either suppresses or lies about. I make the complex understandable. I can tell you in a few minutes what The New York Times tries to lie about in five pages.”
Exactly. That is just what Rush did. Context, context, context.
His legacy will be carried forward by his close friends and principled conservatives of the day. As for the legend himself, we'll nonetheless miss him. We're forever grateful to you, Rush. Farewell and Thank You, sir!

ADDENDUM II: Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL tribute at CPAC...
At CPAC 2021, the absence of that golden voice was everywhere. There in person, here watching online, across the country, Americans miss the voice and leadership of Rush Limbaugh.

His presence is still here, though, in the way that wisdom and example remain when a larger than life figure has passed. Present, absent, in our thoughts, influencing our movement, Limbaugh is a force that persists and will continue.

At CPAC, before President Donald Trump’s speech, they showed this exceptionally well done and remarkable tribute to Rush. It’s not just a memorial to the man, it’s a reminder of how right he is, how right he’s been. It lays out his life, but also his reasoning. His achievements and also America’s.

It’s truly worth watching and then watching again and then watching again. Thanks to Right Side Broadcasting for producing the shareable version so quickly.

I feel that lump in my throat. But also fire in the belly. And let me say, as we are all thinking: DITTO.