Monday, March 2, 2020

No good Dem options...

Boy, these debates haven't been a good look at all for Dems. Between the extremes of burning down the party (and country) for socialism's sake, or buying the party out with billions and a media conglomerate to boot, these televised sh*tshows continue to elicit a smarminess beyond any degree of my prior recollection, while displaying the tattered disarray of a party throwing anything, ANYTHING, against the wall to see what might stick in order to oust Trump, reseize power, and lord over Americans once more.

Unable to drag myself through every grueling second of these train wrecks, I've relied on a few more entertaining sources for review...

Related links: The Biggest Loser of the Las Vegas Democratic Presidential Debate Was ‘Never Trump’
Bloomberg Admits Defeat In First Debate Performance: "Real Winner" Was Donald Trump
Steyer: Trump Won the Democratic Debate

Related links: Bloomberg Has a Hilarious Freudian Slip at the South Carolina Debate
Debate Reaction: Elizabeth Warren’s Strategy Becomes Crystal Clear
Aaaand Trump wins the South Carolina debate

So now, with the first few muddled caucuses and primaries behind us, producing Sanders as the frontrunner, Biden closing in on the delegate count after South Carolina's Saturday night blowout, and no more Buttigieg (or Klobuchar as of this writing), we rapidly approach SuperTuesday to provide a better picture of which way Dem voters will drag the party: leftward or off the scales completely! Either way, Democrats are left with no good options...

...although, there is still one clear consideration...