Saturday, February 6, 2016

Happy 105th, Mr. President! The inspiration of Reagan lives on, as the mantle of conservatism is passed along...

Today marks the 105th anniversary of the Gipper's birthday, the 20th century's premier conservative president who made a difference, President Ronald Wilson Reagan...
WT: Saturday marks what would have been Ronald Reagan’s 105th birthday, a significant and heartfelt occasion still celebrated with much ado. Consider the major event at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, complete with the Camp Pendleton Marine Division Band, a color guard, the blessings of a chaplain, a brass quintet, a 21-gun salute, an aircraft flyover, the placing of a White House wreath at the grave site and remarks by Brigadier Gen. Edward D. Banta, commander of U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, and Marlin Fitzwater, Reagan’s press secretary.

Then there is the new statue. It’s a doozy. The 11-foot tall, 11-foot long bronze tatue by sculptor Donald Reed weighs in at 2,500 pounds and will be unveiled outside the library’s spectacular Air Force One Pavilion. It depicts the 40th president astride his favorite horse El Alamein and is titled “Along the Trail.”

The heroic but cheerful work — privately funded, incidentally — has a secret. One of Reagan’s personal belt buckles and a piece of the Berlin Wall were wrapped in muslin and placed inside a fireproof security box — to be tucked inside the sculpture itself. Also debuting: The Ronald Reagan Presidential $1 Coin and the Nancy Reagan First Spouse Coin — both from the U.S. Mint.
...and as such, his inspiration provides a perfect opportunity while in the midst of the media circuses once known as 'debates' leading up to an eventual nominee and our next presidential election. It seems only fitting to remind both media and candidate alike what that substantively looks like, and I can think of no better example than the Great Communicator...

Related links: Ronald Reagan's famous line, "I am paying for this microphone"
Reagan-Carter Oct. 28, 1980 Debate - "There You Go Again"

And never forget to add a dash of witty humor!

Related link: Reagan Retrospective Ep. 9 (Season 1) — Peggy Noonan

It's no more of a secret that I wholeheartedly support Ted Cruz for the eventual Republican nomination, than is the inextricable fact of who the most conservative candidate running in this race has been since it began... 
“On Ronald Reagan’s 105th birthday, we celebrate a leader who inspired Americans to once again believe in America’s promise. In the late 1970s, the economy lagged, people faced soaring prices, and Communism was on the march around the world. Ronald Reagan invited our nation to once again believe in the Divine gift of human freedom and to not simply “contain communism” but “transcend it.” Because of Reagan’s vision and resolve, the Iron Curtain became the ash heap of history. Freedom again overcame the stronghold that sought to extinguish it. As it always will.

“The world is more free and prosperous because of President Reagan’s courage to speak the truth and defy the norms of Washington. And today, as I join my fellow Republican candidates on the debate stage in New Hampshire, we are reminded of when then presidential candidate Ronald Reagan came to New Hampshire 36 years ago. He was the underdog despised by the Washington establishment and dismissed by the media. He was thought to be 15 to 20 points behind, but the people in the Granite State propelled him into first place and against all odds he went on to win the nomination. Right now, we face a similar time for choosing, and if we once again unite to stand courageously for freedom, prosperity, and security, we can once again ignite the promise of America.” ~ Ted Cruz
It is again indeed A Time for Choosing. May we choose wisely in the coming days, for America, for conservatism, and in memory of a great American President we'll never forget. Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Related links: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan, You Still Inspire Us To Hope
Happy 105th Birthday Ronald Reagan, he trusted the people and believed in the ‘magic of the marketplace’
Farewell Speech - President Reagan's Farewell Speech from the Oval Office 1/11/89