KaiserHealth: When setting premiums for next year, insurers baked in bigger-than-usual adjustments, driven in large part by a game-changing rule: They can no longer reject people with medical problems.
Popular in consumer polls, the provision in the health law transforms the market for the estimated 14 million Americans who buy their own policies because they don’t get coverage through their jobs. Barred from denying coverage, insurers also can’t demand higher rates from unhealthy people and those deemed high risks because of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure or a previous cancer diagnosis.
But the provision also adds costs. To a larger degree than other requirements of the law, it is fueling the “sticker shock” now being voiced by some consumers about premiums for new policies...
We also call it a LIE...
Powerline: One of the foundational lies of Obamacare was the great savings it would bring to the typical American family. According to the ludicrous number peddled by Obama, it would save families an average of $2,500 per year in premium costs. Politifact documents the promise here. Hey, and it will delivery better coverage than that junk you’ve been buying on your own without the assistance of the federal government.Ok, we don't have to get into Obama defending the website (or his visit to Texas...don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!) That's a distraction. Let's get back to the topic at hand: Obamacare's unaffordability.
Obama is still peddling these lies, as he did in Dallas yesterday at Temple Emanu-El...
Avik Roy has been performing the job no one else will do. He is documenting how the laughably named Affordable Care Act makes health insurance more expensive. In his latest dispatch, Roy cites his comprehensive Manhattan Institute analysis of premiums under Obamacare for people who shop for coverage on their own:'Sticker shock' doesn't begin to cover up this damn lie.
The Manhattan Institute has posted the Obamacare Impact Map illustrating state by state how Obamacare affects health insurance premiums for people who buy coverage on their own. Following up on the Manhattan Institute study, Carl Schramm writes in today’s Wall Street Journal “How Obamacare rips off the ‘young healthies.’” This might have something do with why the young are, so far, avoiding the beauties of Obamacare.Here’s what we learned. In the average state, Obamacare will increase underlying premiums by 41 percent. As we have long expected, the steepest hikes will be imposed on the healthy, the young, and the male. And Obamacare’s taxpayer-funded subsidies will primarily benefit those nearing retirement—people who, unlike the young, have had their whole lives to save for their health-care needs.